iOS 6.1 just released

great battery life after updating my '4 (30 months old now)

What defines great battery life as on my 5 it's pants I can flatten it circa 2 times in the day.

Yes I have an EAS connection, but so do most devices now!
im srtill rolling my 3gs - will probably switched to galaxy s3 and leave apple behind. The issue with forcing old phones to update to latest firmware really annoys the heck out of me - If I had my way I would still be using ios3. In fact I was using ios4 until a few months ago - then app store stopped working - wouldn't validate my user id for authentication. So I had to update to ios6.01

I don't like how much control Apple has over a gadget that I own. Effectively giving the device a timeline to expiry because after 3-4 years it becames uselessly slow.
Effectively giving the device a timeline to expiry because after 3-4 years it becames uselessly slow.

Not really sure how you can single out Apple devices for this. Which Android phone from 4 years ago is still capable of running the latest apps with half-decent performance?
Not really sure how you can single out Apple devices for this. Which Android phone from 4 years ago is still capable of running the latest apps with half-decent performance?

This ^

Apple at least provide ongoing updates, doesn't happen with most droids. Daughters 3GS is still going strong and doesn't look or feel like a 3 year+ phone at all, running ios6.

I've just updated my 4s to 6.1, all seems fine. Not bothered about jailbreaking, tried it for a while, the only thing I really liked was blank tiles and infinity folders but if untethered comes back for 6.1 I might give it a spin again.
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Not really sure how you can single out Apple devices for this. Which Android phone from 4 years ago is still capable of running the latest apps with half-decent performance?

A bit out of date now but this article and the accompanying graph tells you all you need to know about how much better Apple's support for older devices is compared to Android and the massive problems it creates for developers of the latter:
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