iOS 7.1 Now available

I installed this last night and now this morning I appear to have a lot of duplicated songs on my Iphone. When I say appear, they can't actually be there as they would take up more storage than I have


Searching on the internet gives lots of answers about icloud but I have that turned off so its not that - any ideas?
seems the update has killed the missus' touch id. No issues at all before the update, not recognising any thumb or finger prints since...

Apparently this is all my fault of course.. :p
I think the phone can get confused when you delete things manually and via itunes. I've had music showing up on the phone via itunes and in the storage before when there was actually no music on there. Ended up just deleting it all via itunes then adding it back.

Ha now I tried to restore it, it did all the restore, synced my music now the Iphone says no content - when I plug it in to my pc it says i have 17gb of 'other' yet if you click on 'on this iphone' it sees all my music and lets you play it.

EDIT finally managed to fix it by using a program called ifunbox to delete some library files on the iphone and hard reseting it so that it recreates them - itunes then saw it as empty and I was able to sync my music
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