iPad 4, not Charging?

26 Mar 2006
United Kingdom
Bought an iPad 4 off the bay to send to my other half. She's been using it, but complaining that it won't charge. Tried different leads, no luck. They are non-genuine leads.

She is using the 10w charger which I bought, advertised as genuine off the bay. It has the latest OS. She did say that when she moves the lighting cable around it charges, but then now it won't charge at all. I'm kind of thinking the ports knackered, or it's the lead.

Anything that can be done to fix this? Guessing genuine apple lighting cable?
Maybe try cleaning the gold contacts on the lightning cable. I have a (non-genuine) lightning cable which needs cleaning occasionally other wish I get similar issues to yours.
non genuine lightning leads are dodgy, got a load discounted at sainsburys, they worked for abit and now they will not charge, id say get a genuine lead and try that if you have not already.
Vita, as crazy as it sounds get a cocktail stick and move it around the lightning port. My ip5 had a dust issue where it was all clogged uo at the back of the port and was preventing charging properly. Couldnt even see the dust and fluff but loads came out
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