ipad prices

8 Dec 2002
North Yorkshire
After a ipad 16gb wifi any reason why sellers on ebay with good feedback are selling these agood 30-40 cheaper then that big forest place? Ebay seller mentions no vat to pay even though item is located in uk? Whats the going price for one of these?
they will be importing them from the US

they arent locked to a carrier being WIFI and if you can avoid paying import duty by getting a relative/friend who travels to the US regularly to bring them back in a suitcase they are much cheaper than in the uK
what did you want to hear ?? that a fairy makes em at the bottom of the sellers garden using broken radios and old yoghurt pots ?

Certainly not a childish response like that. However maybe something like its known scam because of A,B or C. Honestly ask a question and get crucified, thought I was on XDA forums for a second.

Thanks for all the sensiable comments. Are US warrenties transferable to UK?
Certainly not a childish response like that. However maybe something like its known scam because of A,B or C. Honestly ask a question and get crucified, thought I was on XDA forums for a second.

Thanks for all the sensiable comments. Are US warrenties transferable to UK?
mine was a SENSIBLE comment, jesus christ, are you that hard up you're gonna quibble over a few quid, then worry like hell about being scammed ?
This is a pretty informative forum, but there really are an awful lot of humourless/anal people in here.
and i still get amazed over the number of stupid posts regarding pricing !!
'what's the going price on these'
surely you'd get a far swifter answer from the apple website !!!!!!!
Certainly not a childish response like that. However maybe something like its known scam because of A,B or C. Honestly ask a question and get crucified, thought I was on XDA forums for a second.

Thanks for all the sensiable comments. Are US warrenties transferable to UK?
How did you get crucified?
All the reasons i gave are perfectly legitimate bar the 'feeling nice' one.
US imports are the cheapest ones advertised. If you look though there are some brand new sealed UK spec ones to be had cheaper too. I'm typing this on my new 32Gb wifi shipped from London for £459.99 including delivery. 40 quid I thought was a decent saving.
US imports are the cheapest ones advertised. If you look though there are some brand new sealed UK spec ones to be had cheaper too. I'm typing this on my new 32Gb wifi shipped from London for £459.99 including delivery. 40 quid I thought was a decent saving.

Are there warranty issues with US imports or anything else to be aware of ?
Are there warranty issues with US imports or anything else to be aware of ?


we asked in the apple store when we went vegas and they are quite happy to honour the warranty the apple genius said. She said they had quite a lot of brits buying to take advantage of the savings to take back home.
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