iPad2 iOS5 upgrade stuck!

28 Dec 2003
Ok so I've just got a new iPad2 which I'm upgrading to iOS5.

Everything was going fine until it got stuck. It's now sitting with the Apple logo on the screen and nothing else. iTunes doesn't show the device and no buttons on the iPad seem to do anything. Every couple of minutes it emits the "USB connected" sound but that's it.

Anyone know what on earth is going on or how I recover it? :(
Mine did the same, worked the second time.
Lost everything saved onto avplayer, but i think that was intentional, everything else i think has worked fine.
OS5 seems fine.
Reset mine from the outset which avoided the problem in the first place. Up to this point I always have, but hopefully updates will be less painful from now on.
Okay. New member, first post bumping a five year old thread regarding updating to iOS5.
Colour me sceptical.
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