And home - The staff in the store couldn't have been more helpful, once I explained the situation to them, they did some checks and as expected, no errors were shown. It took a while for them to work out the best option and it was decided that so I could get a replacement device straight away, they'd effectively return my existing phone and I'd 'buy' a replacement. It took three of them trying to get around the system which was doing its best to make that difficult but in the end they managed it.
I didn't go in guns blazing, I was very polite, friendly and chatty and they went out of their way to get me sorted. They explained that their system wanted them to do a repair which consists of swapping out everything except for the screen (there was a term for that, I think it starts with 'r' but I can't remember it. Perhaps
@Alpherah can tell us) and that's what they were trying to get around.
I've now got a brand spanking new phone, not a refurb, complete in box with the cable etc. It's got a years warranty on it and that means that I have the 60 day period in which I can buy AppleCare+ if I want.
Massive thumbs up to the shop staff, not so much to the online support people this time.