iPhone 2g 4/8gb

14 Apr 2008
iPhone 2/3g 8gb

Question. After selling my iPhone 3G in times when I needed serious money, I have begun to miss my iPhone. I decided to wait till the new model was announced and see if o2 were planning Upgrades for those currently on a 3G contract.

As most of you know this isn't happening. I have no were near enough money to buy a 3G again(PAYG), so I thought I would have a look for a 2G.

The important thing is this. What were the differences between the 2G and the 3G? Were they major processor/ram upgrades etc? My reason for asking this is because I'm worried the phone might be a bit sluggish running 2.2 or even 3.0

If anyone could answer these it would be a great help!
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I don't believe there were processor/ram upgrades on the 3G. It simply added quicker Internet connectivity along with a new design. A hard drive boost too I believe.

I don't think you would have much trouble with it. It won't be as quick as an iPhone 3G / s but it should do the job. There are some things that the original iPhone cannot do (I think MMS is one) and some Apps may not be too hot on it. But as I said, it should keep you happy enough.
The 2g is fine, posting from mine now, exactly same bar gps and space and 3g. Iv not noticed much of a difference between it and my mates 3g, as most places I go have a wifi in range. Day to day it's the same phone, as for mms get the mms app off iTunes, works fine for me, the 3gs isn't worth the upgrade for me from 2g, as upto now apps are all the same for both mine and 3g, user experience is identical.
The 2G iphones are still highly sought after. I sold my mint iPhone 2G to a friend at work, it was in perfect condition, always kept in a silicon case with screen protector.

She took it to Vegas with her, and dropped it in Vegas Airport!!! It stopped working but wasn't marked. She took it to a genius bar in Vegas, and they saw that it was still registered to me, she told them I was her uncle and I had given her the phone as a present. The Vegas Genius bar changed the registration details and organised a collection of the phone when she got home to UK. She sent the phone off on the Tuesday after she got home and 5 days later she got a new iphone 2G sent our work address. Bloody good service by Apple considering the phone wasn't insured and it was just exchanged on the warranty.

Now she is sat happily with a new iphone that I have unlocked again for her. I green with envy as I miss the iphone.
Errr. After having a look at some on eBay, and seeing they still go for £180+ I'm beginning to think getting a 8gb 3G may be the best bet.

Need to do sums, but I am thinking of selling my Desktop and then some other stuff, which would give me quite a figure for a Laptop and an iPhone.
So yeah, I'm thinking of going for a 3G. My plan is this,

I have until March on my current 3G contract. So I am planning to buy another 3G, and use that until my contract expires. When this happens I am going to get a simplicity SIM and use that until June/July and see if a new model is released. If not, I will just use the same setup I have until a new one is released, and if there is a new one announced, take the plunge and get that!

Now onto actually finding a 3G. First and foremost, if anybody is selling one on here, I may well be interested. But otherwise were would you say is the best place to pick a 2nd hand one up, eBay? or a forums like this or Avforums?
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