iPhone 3G, save £8 and double your minutes?!

Well, usually if a new model comes out before the end of the contract, the network (02) would agree to upgrade you providing you re-start the contract.

By 'usually' you mean 'it happened once'. Plus, the original iPhone was barely subsidised so O2 probably had fewer worries about giving away a second free phone. There's no particular guarantee that's going to happen again.
By 'usually' you mean 'it happened once'. Plus, the original iPhone was barely subsidised so O2 probably had fewer worries about giving away a second free phone. There's no particular guarantee that's going to happen again.

It happened once because it was the replacement for the original model :confused: Usually; referring to most phones.. if you agree to start again, you can get a new phone.

A new iPhone will launch in the new year. I got mine in July, so it won't even be a year before the 3rd model arrives.. I'd bet that 02 will allow those who bought the 3G model to upgrade. It's all money for them.

If they don't, people will just buy unlocked ones from europe as they'll be forced to wait out the remanding months.
Result, I'll just renew the contract as it's only a month or so after I started :)
Do you get to keep the existing handset?
I'd bet that 02 will allow those who bought the 3G model to upgrade. It's all money for them.

I bet they wont. First iPhone was not subed like the 3G. So they didnt loose out on any subs remaining on the contract, as there was non.

But if a new one launched in Feb for example (unlikly, but thats my opinion) the early adopters would only be 8 months into there 18 month contact. So there is still a large chunk of cash O2 still need to recover from selling the iPhone to you originally at a loss and quite a large one I imagen.
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