iPhone 5s fingerprint scanner Touch ID 'hacked

people love to use the word hacking these days it sounds cool and dangerous, first the phone hacking which wasn't hacking at all just entering a known default code and then this which is about as far removed from hacking as is possible. The sensationalist headline would be much more valid if the work around involved removing the users thumb which I think would be infinitely more straighforward!
Considering it's aimed at people who weren't using a pin at all it's infinitely more secure - certainly more secure than copying the pattern off the screen or using a photo to bypass the lock as on other devices.

It still doesn't override activation lock so pointless from a theft perspective and if someone really wants your data then they could just as easily look over your shoulder to get your pin.

This is just going to be this years iphone launch link bait...

Having used touch id for a few days it has to be said that it is probably the best hardware addition from the last few years for any phone - unlocking my Nexus with a pattern seems so clunky now.

Indeed. Phone security must be convenient and appealing.
Hardly hacking :rolleyes:

The fingerprint isn't stored in the phone anyway, so you can't lift someone's print from phone data, that would be hacking
Extracting or reverse engineering the fingerprint is completely beside the point. This is a textbook hack of a security system. I cant believe people are even arguing the contrary considering this is supposed to be a tech forum.
I was never bothered about Touch ID being a security feature for me, just a shortcut instead of typing out my password for the odd iTunes purchase or to unlock the phone.

You still need to type in your password to deactivate find my iPhone. In fact:

In addition, if you’re using Touch ID to make purchases, you have to enter your Apple ID password after restarting your iPhone; when enrolling or deleting fingers in the Passcode & Fingerprint screen; or when turning off the Find My iPhone toggle in iCloud.

Source: http://www.macworld.com/article/204...-on-the-iphone-5s-and-when-it-wont-work-.html
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