iPhone battery life, workarounds?

has got better with software updates, but turning down screen brightness, turning off how often the phone checks for e-mails, and turning off the GPS, Wifi and 3G radios will all save battery power.

edit: turning off location services is helpful too
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Very latest Firmware just released (v2.2) is supposed to help with battery life further. It's pretty good now imo but you can get slide on things to extend the battery life if you want.
Lasts a day easily (2G) with everything on, WiFi, emails every 15 mins etc.

2 days with light usage is also possible, again with same as above settings but its in my pocket more :p

3G... 4/5 hours with 3G but turn it off as EDGE is quick enough for most things.
2.2 has improved battery life a bit. Not massively but it's back to 1.1.4 levels.

Turn off 3G, Wi-fi, Bluetooth and Push. Will save a bit of battery. Like turning the air-con off in your car to save petrol, can make quite a difference! :p
Just got my new phone, charged and totally discharged it twice to settle it in. Before it dies its usually about 5 1/2 to 6 hours solid use (web, apps, ipod, mucking about) on a standby time of around 20-24.
Make sure to clean the connector at the bottom of the phone. crud/fluf goes there and create a small short that will suck your battery like crazy. So keep it sparkly clean...

Interestingly, I still have my 2G which I use as an ipod, so it's in 'fligh mode' permanently. Well it's battery life is about 2 weeks or so !
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There's also some kind of external battery for the iPhone, making the battery to last longer. I don't remember what it was called, though.

It's true, gone are the days where you phone can last 5-7 days without a recharge.

I charge mine on my dock at work normally. Makes me look uber cool too.

I'm still using a 2G w810i and its gets 4~5 days its about 1.5 yrs old. But I guess newer phones with a large screen, 3G, Wifi and all the other stuff it kicks the stuffing out a battery. The OH has a 6300 and that does last more than a day being a slimline phone.
My k800i used to last for ages. But that didn't have a 3 and half inch touch screen and wifi! ;)

But I do think the iPhone needs better battery life, can be a bit annoying.
I'm still using a 2G w810i and its gets 4~5 days its about 1.5 yrs old. But I guess newer phones with a large screen, 3G, Wifi and all the other stuff it kicks the stuffing out a battery. The OH has a 6300 and that does last more than a day being a slimline phone.

Me too. I absolutely hate it when I get low battery!
The battery life is actually quite good if you just use it for calls and texts - but that's not why you buy an iPhone! :D Don't think you can really compare the battery life of something that has a huge touchscreen, Wi-Fi, GPS, push email and a fully-functional iPod to that of a regular phone.

I don't mind charging my iPhone every day, but the one thing which worries me is that the battery will wear out and I'll have to pay Apple lots of money to replace it. Does anyone know if the lifespan of the batteries has improved since the early iPods? My iPod Mini battery was useless within a year.
I don't know why people complain about the battery life of the iphone.

You need to remember it has a lot of features, so just turn of the ones you don't use, it's that simple.

If your going to use the phone, email, text, wi-fi, playing games, 3G, internet broswsing, GPS, ipod, etc.... then obviously it's going to drain the battery.

Personally when i'm out all i use is the phone and i check email every so often and it last the full day.
At the end of the day, you still need a phone thats going to be able to make a call when you need it. Nothing worse than running out the door only, needing the phone to meet someone, to realise it has no battery life. Ditto your MP3 player. I bought the w810 to use as a MP3 player, but stopped once I realised it savaged the battery. If the device is useful enough you'll just accept the battery life limitations. I'm trying to find out what is the reality for most people. I usually at a computer during the working day so charging is no problem. Its just good to be informed before buying something.
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I've found battery life quite improved since 1.2

3G usually on, Location services off/on when required, Fetch emails every 15 minutes, average amount of phone calls/texts. Usually get a good 2 days use out of it before a recharge.
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