iPhone from CPW £100 voucher?

18 Oct 2002
I got my iPhone from CPW for the discounted price and this morning I got a letter from them saying the handset has been reduced by £100 so I get a voucher to spend in store for the difference.

So I have an iPhone for £169 and a £100 CPW voucher.. i've read the T&Cs and it doesn't seem to need any additional purchase.. just 100quid to spend on anything apart from credit and insurance.

Anyone else get this?
The voucher is automated, and applies to those that paid £269 for it, clearly you paid £169 so it doesn't apply to you.

Legal action wise, you can sue them for the value of the voucher, which by the way, issue fee is £40. You choice :p
Here is what someone else said on another forum

Me too ;). Had a slight panic on because I thought it would be a letter telling me off for not activating - such a nice surprise to get a £100 voucher for CPW, because I paid £269 for an iPhone in the last month (even though I didn't I only spent £169)

Had the dilemma of whether to take them up on their kind offer or not :n0rty:

Posters on HDUK are saying the vouchers are being rejected as either the staff know they were issued in error, or when they do ring them up it brings up your account details and what you actually paid.

One poster says they managed to use theirs to get free 4GB iPod out of it after the store couldn't get through to Head Office, but either they are fibbing, or they got lucky. I am not going to try it - most I might do is ring CPW to query it to see if they give me any goodwill vouchers or anything like that for being honest. But tbh I will probably just stay under the radar, don't want them asking me when I am going to register the phone for my O2 contract ;)
Just a quick update.. got a letter from CPW today saying the voucher was a mistake, but giving me 20quid instead for my troubles.

I'd rather have 100quid, but 20quid will buy me a car charger and headphone adapter (give or take a pound or two) so it's alright for nowt :)
I can't believe you bought it from Carphone Warehouse.

Enjoy the spam they send you through the post ;)
I've bought plenty from CPW in the past and never had any spam.. if the do spam me i'll just tell them to stop.. hardly much hassle :)
No worries. Just pointing out that 02 are quicker, and they haven't sent me anything.

Whereas the few I bought from CPW were all followed up with junkmail through the post, and it was a lengthy purchase compared to 02.
O2 also haven't sent you 20quid :)

CPW is 5mins from my house, o2 is 30-40mins away.. an extra 2mins in the shop is hardly worth the extra drive ;)
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