iPhone MMS and o2

12 Sep 2006
Has anyone managed to get o2 to activate MMS on an iPhone tariff?

I called yesterday and was told by the adviser that he had activated it and it could take up to 24hrs, then earlier today I got a text which said:
"We cannot process your request for Picture Messaging. Please call Customer Service or visit O2.co.uk"
So I tried calling back only to be told it wasn't an option on the iPhone tariff, but I know it is and its just a case of keep trying until you speak to a 'decent' adviser.

So if there is anyone who has done this what exactly did you say to get them to activate it?
I have mms on my iPhone using swirlymms. You need to call o2 and tell them that you use another phone at the weekends for taking pictures and sending them to your mates using your iPhone sim. When they tell you they can't do it inform them your mate had this done so you know it's possible, I tried this twice before having any sucess.

Edit. Never mind glad you got it sorted (took me a while to post the above from my iPhone LOL)
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I have mms on my iPhone using swirlymms. You need to call o2 and tell them that you use another phone at the weekends for taking pictures and sending them to your mates using your iPhone sim. When they tell you they can't do it inform them your mate had this done so you know it's possible, I tried this twice before having any sucess.

Edit. Never mind glad you got it sorted (took me a while to post the above from my iPhone LOL)

Going to send them an email tonight. What is the best/quickest address to use? Just the general customer service one?
emailing o2 gives you MMS?

Have I missed something here... like for example the function to do it in the first place?

First you need to jailbreak your iPhone, then install SwirlyMMS (which is no longer free I think) Then get O2 to activate it on your contract.

Just doing the last step wont do a thing on its own
What's the harm in mms I don't see why everyone has to dig at it as a tech. If you want to send a picture it's a fairly painless way to do it and compatible with most phones in the uk.
What's the harm in mms I don't see why everyone has to dig at it as a tech. If you want to send a picture it's a fairly painless way to do it and compatible with most phones in the uk.

i agree, sending pics by email is a massive PITA, especially if whoever you send it to doesnt have an email-friendly smartphone.
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