iPhone must have apps.

From the Appstore:

Apple's Remote - Control iTunes on your PC via your phone.
Palringo Messenger - Give this a look. Its a well featured IM client.
ICanHezCheezBurger - er yes.
Shazam - Audio music recognition by simply holding up your phone to a sound source.
Rooms - If you're an iRC user like me.
I love Fstream as a streaming client but I also use m.moodio.fm as well which isn't an app but a great website for streaming to an iPhone. Googleearth, solitaire free and twitterfon are good as well.
Thanks all keep them comming..
Have played with the remote as iv got an apple Tv as well..

Ps can you use an iphone like a usb stick as well? eg to put word docs on.?
NetNewsWire if you like RSS feeds. Both the desktop and iPhone versions are brilliant.

Ps can you use an iphone like a usb stick as well? eg to put word docs on.?
Don't think so, but you can make it a network file share accessible over WiFi with apps like Air Sharing.
BeejiveIM - great cross platform IM client.
Netnewswire - Great RSS reader
Jaadu RDP - Remote Desktop access to Window's PC's, very handy!
Showtimes - local Cinema show times and links to film reviews
Simplify - Share your itunes library across the web with your iphone
Tioti TV+ - TV listing application, also allows you to set up recordings with SKY+ (but not VM V+ :()
WunderRadio - access online radio streams, works with all BBC radio stations.

None AppStore Apps of note -

iRealSMS - Superior SMS application
SwirlyMMS - Send and receive MMS on your iphone
Cycorder - Record video clips onto your iphone
BeeJiveIM (The BEST IM client on the iPhone IMO)
Air Mouse
XBL Friends
My Football
Grenande << Funny as when pop it somewhere with loads people
Brothers In Arms
Real Football 2009
Aqua Forrest

None of which have been purchased with my hard earned cash, all via Installous, Jailbroken iPhone.
  • Googletasks (not so much an app)
  • Evernote (Brilliant for saving your life)
  • Onetrip (Easy to remember what I need for shopping)
  • cooliris (Who needs the youtube search when you have cooliris)
  • googleearth (Can be handy)
  • Last.FM (Internet radio)
  • MMS (Real MMS)
  • UK Trains (not so much an app)
  • Yelp (Find restaurants and local entertainment using either GPS or postcode)
  • Flixster (Whats on at the cinema)
  • Fring (My IM client)
  • Facebook (Enough said)
  • Fieldrunners (excellent tower defence game)
  • Translator (Well it translates)
  • Multiconverter (I am rubbish at conversion metric so)
Delivery Status Touch (Multi-Courier tracking app)
Remote (Apple's own iTunes remote app)

That's all I use, nowadays.
Orb - allows streaming from pc
Simcity - decent game
beejive IM - decent IM client
iampremote - control winamp from iphone
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