iphone 'no service' on vodafone after unlock

Out of interest, did you get your reception back (or better at any rate) after you Bootneutered it?

I have not have any chance to do it. I post back as soon as i did it.

I have a slight thought about using it. I am abit concern that my problem will be with an error on BaseBand and i am not sure if Bootneuter will fix it.

that is why i would like to delay this until i understand more about the process.
I gave it a crack last night, reception seems better on the whole although I'm not sure if I'm imagining it.

/looks at iPhone on full bar...

It's a painless process, just don't let the screen lock else it's becomes a painful process!

edit - from Stinky's thread, good explanation of what each firmware does:

EVH said:
There are at least two bootloaders in the iPhone. One is the ARM Core Bootloader and deals with the Operating System, the other is the Baseband Bootloader. Bootloaders make sure that when the iPhone boots it is doing things in the right order, and getting everything done. Currently the iPhone has shipped with two different Baseband Bootloaders (3.9 and 4.6). The 3.9BL allowed us to load a hacked baseband which matches the firmware version. Apple changed this feature in the 4.6 BL and made it require a baseband of a newer firmware version. This is why the Dev Team has released a 3.9 fakeblank BL which allows you to load a hacked baseband matching your firmware version.
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Ok, after almost 2 weeks of using, apart from my dad's shop where the signal comes and goes (from no service to 3 bars), i get good signal everywhere else.
I just have a courage to give it a go on the bootneuter
turn off Auto Lock
click 3.9

At first time the signal still remains at 3 bars again but.. after resetting it seems like the signal is now 5 Bars Full... Strange.. or just the coverage of vodafone is too good tonight.. will SEE

I will post more result later...
Ah ha... How Ironic...

This is getting weirder everyday...

The signal was full 5 Bar when i put the iphone into the dock. After I remove it, BANG back to 3 bars.
I just have a courage to give it a go on the bootneuter
turn off Auto Lock
click 3.9

At first time the signal still remains at 3 bars again but.. after resetting it seems like the signal is now 5 Bars Full... Strange.. or just the coverage of vodafone is too good tonight.. will SEE

I will post more result later...

Shouldn't it be 4.6, Neuter On, Fakeblank off as Raymond posted further up? That's what I did anyway, worked OK - I think anyway!

Ah ha... How Ironic...

This is getting weirder everyday...

The signal was full 5 Bar when i put the iphone into the dock. After I remove it, BANG back to 3 bars.

Known issue with the iphone, the dock seems to sort the signal out. Check Google for it. :)
Shouldn't it be 4.6, Neuter On, Fakeblank off as Raymond posted further up? That's what I did anyway, worked OK - I think anyway!

My iphone is already on 3.9 FakeBank, that why i do not want to change it just yet...

Second thought, did the bootnuetuer just REflash my 3.9 fakebank?

Known issue with the iphone, the dock seems to sort the signal out. Check Google for it. :)

I will ... get back later.. cheers
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