iphone or itouch + phone

All I'm going to say is, I bought a Touch and kept my old phone.

Then 3 months later I ended up buying an iPhone.

I did the exact same, basically the Touch has only wifi and to me while out and about it was bascially a exepensive ipod and served no real purpose, I wanted and ipod + wanted to go on the Internet wherever and whenever I wanted :p. When I had the Touch there was countless times when out and about, I said to myself "Wish I had a iPhone so I can look up this, do this etc".

I'm so glad I got an iPhone in the end :D
<snip> Mobile broadband sucks, thats just life, 3G isn't a magic bullet. (WIMAX on the other hand might be)

True, my thinking was just the new apps might exaggerate the slow speed of the current solution. EDGE is fine for me at the moment browsing the odd web page and sending email.

Also, during the SDK presentation, they specifically commented on applications going easy of the data network so its all good. :)
Looking at the v2 software, then it looks good what they will add. Especially important I think is the ActiveSynch for the business users.

Wonder if we can still use unlimited data for Active Synch afterwards on the O2 tarriffs, as I am sure says something about no business use.
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