iPhone Unlocking question.

2 Jul 2006
Hey all :)

So i'm thinking about buying an iPhone PAYG as I have a good 4-5 months remaining on my contract and I just can't stand my K850i any longer. Couple that with not wanting to be on O2 as I rely heavily on my Orange Magic Numbers.

I was going to buy the 16GB for £399.99, then either renew my contract/start a new one and sell the free phone to reduce some of the cost. I was just wondering whether this sounds like a feasible idea? I know I would lose Visual Voicemail and Push Mail, but these don't bother me. I would also have to sign up for Orange's Internet package which isn't great - £7.50 for 250mb a month (I don't know much about mobile internet, so I was wondering how easy it is to surpass this)

Is anyone also able to link me to some decent tutorials for Jailbreaking and Unlocking using Cydia/Yellowsnow whatever it is :P
If I were you I'd just switch to O2. Sounds a bit expensive to buy the phone outright.

I wouldn't bother with the 16Gb either unless you're going to be carrying round loads of music/video with you. The extra money just doesn't justify the 8Gb of space in my opinion. I've not put any music or video on mine yet but I've filled it with around 20 apps and 15 or so games, loads of ROMs for my emulators and I've still got 6.5Gb free space.

I think you'll find it hard to go over 250mb net usage per month unless you use it all the time for downloading/browsing. I've only done about 2Mb mobile interweb browsing on mine, just checking e-mails/facebook over this last week. Done most of my browsing on my wireless LAN.

Tutorial I used for jailbreaking is here (assuming you're using windows). Dunno about unlocking though.
Orange, Panther 45... 18 months, 1200 xnet, 500 texts, u/l landline or texts, 500 mb data and the HD for £48.50... £39.14 per month online price

Hi, have a look at the HTC HD............. :)

I got mine off Orange on Wednesday...It's a cool phone.. I haven't owned an I-Pod but this HD rocks! Talk time is better, 5 mp camera and there is no need for Itunes as this is ALL drag and drop.... I've got 500 mb data free so I'll see how far this goes..



OK so how does that help him unlock his iPhone?

Also you can drag and drop in itunes.

And folk moan about Apple fanboys.
Thanks for the tips guys. I have decided just to switch to O2 as i'd rather do things the legit way. I'd also prefer actual unlimited internet, rather than 250MB which Orange offers. Magic numbers will be abit of a loss, but I think i'll buy Skype whilst i'm at Uni so I can ring my girlfriend via. her landline. :)

I have about 4 months left on my Orange contract which is under my Mum's name, and I just remembered that Orange said I could downgrade my contract to a lower cost one come December. I think I am going to bump it down to the lowest possible, sell my iPod Touch 8GB on eBay or something (as I wont need it anymore) and use the money from that to pay off my Orange contract whilst I undertake an iPhone contract in my name.

Not very economical I know, but I can't stand my K850i much long :(
OK so how does that help him unlock his iPhone?

I was trying to help! :(

He doesn't have the Iphone yet so there is no need to unlock it, he's on Orange, likes push, and "I rely heavily on my Orange Magic Numbers".. So.. get the HD, stay with orange, keep your magic numbers, use push still.. For me its a win/win situation...??


I was trying to help! :(

He doesn't have the Iphone yet so there is no need to unlock it, he's on Orange, likes push, and "I rely heavily on my Orange Magic Numbers".. So.. get the HD, stay with orange, keep your magic numbers, use push still.. For me its a win/win situation...??


Win / loose situation...

He wants an iPhone.
Thanks for the tips guys. I have decided just to switch to O2 as i'd rather do things the legit way. I'd also prefer actual unlimited internet, rather than 250MB which Orange offers. Magic numbers will be abit of a loss, but I think i'll buy Skype whilst i'm at Uni so I can ring my girlfriend via. her landline. :)

I have about 4 months left on my Orange contract which is under my Mum's name, and I just remembered that Orange said I could downgrade my contract to a lower cost one come December. I think I am going to bump it down to the lowest possible, sell my iPod Touch 8GB on eBay or something (as I wont need it anymore) and use the money from that to pay off my Orange contract whilst I undertake an iPhone contract in my name.

Not very economical I know, but I can't stand my K850i much long :(

if you already have an ipod touch 8gb(I have the 32gb, tho not used much of the storage on it) why do you need an ipone? just get a 'proper' mobile phone that does what a mobile phone is supposed to do(without needing extra apps).

also orange now do 500mb for £5, tho not sure if its for new customers only. if they don't offer it for £5 or free when you come to upgrade, just go through retention and depending on who you get and where you fall iin their bands system(1 being a v.light user - 5 being a heavy user) and what phone you upgrade to you'll get it thrown in.

I went for the touch hd(£175.50 with £130 back in my 1st bill, so £45.50 for the phone + no bills for 4months unless I go over included mins, txts and data) and not a heavy enough user for them(according to the lady at the orange store I asked back in august I fall in band 2) so having to pay £5/month for the 500mb, while many others have got it thrown in for free.
if you already have an ipod touch 8gb(I have the 32gb, tho not used much of the storage on it) why do you need an ipone? just get a 'proper' mobile phone that does what a mobile phone is supposed to do(without needing extra apps).

also orange now do 500mb for £5, tho not sure if its for new customers only. if they don't offer it for £5 or free when you come to upgrade, just go through retention and depending on who you get and where you fall iin their bands system(1 being a v.light user - 5 being a heavy user) and what phone you upgrade to you'll get it thrown in.

I went for the touch hd(£175.50 with £130 back in my 1st bill, so £45.50 for the phone + no bills for 4months unless I go over included mins, txts and data) and not a heavy enough user for them(according to the lady at the orange store I asked back in august I fall in band 2) so having to pay £5/month for the 500mb, while many others have got it thrown in for free.

hey im thinkin of upgrading in february tho my contract runs out in may but they say they will just add the remainding months onto my new contract. If i went in there in person you think i could get a better deal then buying online then?
hey im thinkin of upgrading in february tho my contract runs out in may but they say they will just add the remainding months onto my new contract. If i went in there in person you think i could get a better deal then buying online then?

I got my 'deal' for the touch hd through retention not the orange shop(the touch hd wasn't even out back in august :) ).

you get better deal online/phone rather than the shop(tho someone over on the xda forums mentioned they managed to get a good deal from the manager in the shop, can't remember which branch).
if you already have an ipod touch 8gb(I have the 32gb, tho not used much of the storage on it) why do you need an ipone? just get a 'proper' mobile phone that does what a mobile phone is supposed to do(without needing extra apps).

also orange now do 500mb for £5, tho not sure if its for new customers only. if they don't offer it for £5 or free when you come to upgrade, just go through retention and depending on who you get and where you fall iin their bands system(1 being a v.light user - 5 being a heavy user) and what phone you upgrade to you'll get it thrown in.

I went for the touch hd(£175.50 with £130 back in my 1st bill, so £45.50 for the phone + no bills for 4months unless I go over included mins, txts and data) and not a heavy enough user for them(according to the lady at the orange store I asked back in august I fall in band 2) so having to pay £5/month for the 500mb, while many others have got it thrown in for free.

Because I want complete integration. I hardly ever use my Touch because I always forget/can't be arsed carrying it around whenever I go out, aswell as a phone, wallet etc - makes my jeans feel really uncomfortable with all this stuff in my pockets. I always really want mobile internet and I feel O2 and the iPhone is definitaly the top choice for this.

I did look in to the Touch HD, but I love the iPhone OS and interface too much - i'm abit skeptical on Windows Mobile and if it's anything like the PC OS, I can't be doing with stability of that quality.
Why are Touch HD fanboys so obsessed with 'keeping up' with the iphone? Virtually every iphone thread in this place contains a post from someone saying 'get a touch HD instead, they R much better', even the apple forum...
Why are Touch HD fanboys so obsessed with 'keeping up' with the iphone? Virtually every iphone thread in this place contains a post from someone saying 'get a touch HD instead, they R much better', even the apple forum...

whats the point of 'keeping up' with an inferior(sp?) product? :)

I'm not a fanboy either way(ended up with the touch hd but could as easily have gone with some other phone, I was looking at a few options), just don't understand all the hype surrounding the iphone(I don't find it the be all, end all that its claimed to be).
Because as a multimedia apps/games/mp3s/video/internet platform wrapped in a super-slick UI, it is completely and totally dominant over every phone out there. So if these things aren't what you are after, and you'd rather have SMS forwarding, an extra couple of MP in the camera and copy and paste, wrapped in horrible clunky WM6, then go for the Touch HD.

I appreciate you need to justify your purchase, but there isnt any point pretending that the Touch HD is a 'superior' device - it may do a bit more than the iphone, but what the iphone does do, it does a lot lot better.
Because as a multimedia apps/games/mp3s/video/internet platform wrapped in a super-slick UI, it is completely and totally dominant over every phone out there. So if these things aren't what you are after, and you'd rather have SMS forwarding, an extra couple of MP in the camera and copy and paste, wrapped in horrible clunky WM6, then go for the Touch HD.

I appreciate you need to justify your purchase, but there isnt any point pretending that the Touch HD is a 'superior' device - it may do a bit more than the iphone, but what the iphone does do, it does a lot lot better.

sounds like the cry of an iphone fan boy instead. But i see your point about HTC owners justifying their buys in the iphone threads too. I think its because it was quite a big dissision between the two and they like to keep up with the news to make sure they did make the right desision. Then they happen to post in the threads lol.
Because as a multimedia apps/games/mp3s/video/internet platform wrapped in a super-slick UI, it is completely and totally dominant over every phone out there. So if these things aren't what you are after, and you'd rather have SMS forwarding, an extra couple of MP in the camera and copy and paste, wrapped in horrible clunky WM6, then go for the Touch HD.

I appreciate you need to justify your purchase, but there isnt any point pretending that the Touch HD is a 'superior' device - it may do a bit more than the iphone, but what the iphone does do, it does a lot lot better.

as 8igdave said(tho not in the same words), crazy rantings of a iphone fanboy. also I'm not trying to justify anything(don't need to either), as I said I was looking at several options before getting the touch hd(almost decided to hold off getting a new phone till the n97 came out, I could prob be called a nokia/symbian os fanboy(was also looking at the samsung i8510, not for the 8mp camera)).

I have the ipod touch 32 gb(1st gen not 2nd gen) plus have had a play with the iphone(apart from a few obvious differences(phone, sms and camera(tho prob shouldn't have really bothered) to name the main ones) they're basically the same(got the same ui after all), and apart from the ease of using finger and thumb to zoom I don't really see the fuss(you might find the ui to be 'super slick' I just see it and another ui along with wm, symbian os, blackberry os and manufactures own(in phones such as the lg viewty, cookie, se c905 etc)). the web browser regularly crashes on me when I using the internet on the ipod touch(in bed at night when I can't sleep), so if the iphone is anything like that I'd pass.

having the stylus is a good thing(for me any way, others may not like using the stylus) as even on the ipod touch when typing(web address, posts on forums etc I keep hitting the wrong 'key'(I've had it for 11months so its not like I haven't had practice).

I've read a lot of people complaing about wm 6.1 being old fashioned or cluncky but I don't really see what those people are complaining about.

final thing(for now), the iphone doesn't do sat nav(google map doesn't really count. same short coming on the t-mobile g1 which I was also conisering). not really good for people who don't want to carry multiple things, wm6.1 and symbian alows for tomtom(tho only ttn6 for symbian os), garmin xt amoungst other sat nav programs.
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