iPhone Unlocking question.

I have to say that post was almost impossible to read due to the ridiculous amount of brackets!

Not really worth reading tbh, he's moaning about me being an iPhone fanboy even though he's the one trolling touch HD on an iPhone thread.

Anyway, slightly more on topic, the quickpwn website has details of what you need to do if you jailbreak and unlock. Would be a lot simpler if you didn't need to unlock! :p
Thanks :) Yeah I am just going to stick with O2, they have better signal and coverage than Orange for where I am going to Uni anyway.

I hear a new iPhone is likely to be released in June/July. I'm not overly concerned though, I can't really think of any other features which i'd like.
flammy if you bother reading any of my posts, you'll notice I never once said to realillusion to get the touch hd. it was mikeyp who did, main point of my original post was that orange are now doing 500mb for £5/month and to get another phone if he'd already got the ipod touch 8gb(never said it had to be the touch hd).
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