Ipod and xbox360 question

18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Right last night i thought id plug my 5g ipod into my xbox360, anyways it seemed to be ok...when i went through the dashboard i found my playlists that are on my ipod etc.

But it seems to only play one song even though i wanted to play the whole playlist, i had a look at my ipod and i havent got shuffle or any of the repeats enabled...so im a bit :confused: as to why it just plays only one song out of my whole playlist.

Am i missing something here or do i need to do something else within the dashboard???
Kronologic said:
Have you downloaded the Ipod thingymajiggy from the market place?

I'm not sure if it does playlists or not (I haven't tried yet)

Hmm no i havent, didnt realise such a thing existed??. I'll have a look later tonight but from what i remember i dont see anything about an ipod thingy on there.
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