Ipod shuffle?

18 Oct 2002
Does anyone have an ipod shuffle? Looking at getting one for when I am in the gym as I dont fancy using my ipod video. How easy is it for deciding which songs to transfer only to the shuffle?
my bro has one and its the same as your video ipod for transferring songs through itunes, although it can only hold 512MB or 1 gig so therefore your better off making a playlist with that amount of songs and just copying it to the shuffle
about 3 of my Friends have had iPod Shuffles and 2 of them have broke, theyre quite cool but I reckon its worth spending the bit extra and getting a normal iPod or another mp3 player.
I've got one and use it at the gym but thats about it, prefer something with a screen for everyday use. Hard to justify buying a shuffle when a nano isnt much more and you can get other players with a screen for less.
True, although if sound quality is the main concern then there are better players than any iPods and ones with wider compatibility for lossless formats.
Personally I don't see the point in putting lossless on a cheap 512mb/1GB flash player. The only other Flash Player I'd consider would be a IAudio U3. But thats a lot more expensive, though it has a 2yr warranty. The you've got tags to consider and the smart sync options in itunes. Though personally I used Media Monkey with myShuffle. Before it broke anyways.
An iPod shuffle is exactly what you need for the gym. It hasn't got the "precious" feel about it and it can blooming well take a few knocks.

I'd 100% reccomend one. They're super.
ricky1981 said:
True, although if sound quality is the main concern then there are better players than any iPods and ones with wider compatibility for lossless formats.
Err.. First I rule out "Wav" as suitable "lossless" format. It's uncompressed, doesn't tag, just not a good choice. AFAIK, there is only FLAC and Apple Lossless when it comes to lossless format. Well, I'll admit. It's been a while since I've looked at newer players. But last time I checked, most players support only wav, the iAudio support FLAC only, whereas iPods (except Shuffle) support AL. But hang on, from what I've gathered, the Rockbox firmware allows you to play FLAC on an iPod. I am not sure if any other players emulates AL. So unless I've missed a recent killer product, the iPod do not really lose out when it comes to lossless compatibility.
As for "better players". "For what purpose"? If we are talking about SQ alone, then I can assure you that the iPod do not lag behind the iAudio X5 or the Creative M:Vision. If there are any new large capacity DAP that is recently launched (last time I tested was about 6 months ago), then I'll take a second look ;) Can't say I've paid that much attention to DAP lately since I don't have much use for a portable players overall. SQ aside (highly subjective), I'd say the HD based iPod trade punches (features) with just about every other HD player out there. None of them are inherently better in every category. Now in the flash category, I've heard great things about the Monolith players. But at their cost, they'd BETTER be significantly better than the Nano/Shuffle/iAudio U2. Well, I won't comment there since I've not heard them.
In fairness the Apple & Sony Players have the least features of all the players. FM tuners, recording from radio, recording from line in, timed recording wider support of other music AND video formats, USBTG. Obviously there other advantages to the iPods that the other players don't have.

At the end of the day do some research and pick one that is the closest match what you want. I wouldn't have bought an earlier iPod. The current one is the only one I would have considered because it finally has a decent earphone out.
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