iPod Touch + Rhythmbox.

26 Jul 2008
Imagine my delight when i found out you can sync your iPhone/touch in Fedora 13/Ubuntu 10 etc.

But i'm having problems with it, i can see the touch in the 'devices' list in Rhythmbox. I can drag songs into the iPod and if i use the file explorer i can see the files have been transferred over onto the iPod.

The problem is i can't play the files on the ipod, they don't show up at all, and if i disconnect the ipod and reconnect the saved files i saw in file explorer are no longer there.

Any idea? I have already checked the iPod plugin is enabled.
The behaviour is a bit weird in rhythmbox for the syncing. The way I do it is when its appeared in rhythmbox, drag the music onto the icon. The music must have been imported into rhythmbox, so you should be dragging from your music section to the ipod icon. Is this what you are currently doing? On the bottom right it should say transferring.

However at this point my ipod doesn't appear to be syncing but it in fact is, if you bring it out of wake and turn on the screen it should say its syncing on the screen, it sometimes takes about 20 seconds to start syncing. Then you have to wait another 15 seconds or so for that to go away. Then you can just close rhythmbox and unplug the ipod. The unmounting never works for me I just unplug it.

Just synced my ipod touch and iphone and worked ok.
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I get the transferring progress bar on on the bottom right of the screen, then in Rhythembox it shows the tracks actually being on the iPod, also if i browse the ipod the songs are there within the '***' folders, i assume this is how they are catalogued on the ipod.

But if i use the actual iPod itself it doesn't display any songs, i don't get the sync screen either.

Just tryed to transfer some files using GTKPod, it crashes the program with the following error.

Package: gtkpod-0.99.14-4.fc13
Latest Crash: Mon 14 Jun 2010 09:28:13 PM
Command: gtkpod
Reason: Process /usr/bin/gtkpod was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
Comment: None
Bug Reports:
Seems weird that the sync screen does not appear for you. As you have seen though the songs will not be on the iPod until you see the "Sync in progress screen" on your iPod. After its transfered the music on the bottom right try clicking in and out of the music library and iPod etc and it might force a refresh and sync. It definately works for me, it just takes a while before you see the sync in progress on your iPod.

You could also maybe try banshee media player it's very similar to rhythmbox, however I don't know if the latest version works with iPod touchs and iPhones. Make sure the plugin is enabled in its preferences. Worth a try. I think it's in ubuntus official repos, so should be in the software centre or synaptic etc.
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I will have another play later.

What i will do is transfer just 1 album, then leave the iPod connected for a fair amount of time, maybe there is a delay in actually writing the files to the iPod.
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