iPod Video 30gb WOW!

23 Jun 2005
My 1st iPod arrived here today, the 30gb video. I was amazed when I saw it running! I found iTunes hard to use at first, but I can use it now. I managed to get a few songs and videos on it and was amazed by the quality. I had some videos on my pc *cough cough :p * that iTunes refused to put on the iPod because it was the wrong format. A quick google for "iPod Video" and low and behold, a program that converts basically any video file into a mp4, what works on my iPod. It converted them really nicely and looks fantastic on my iPod. No loss of quality what so ever. But I have one question:
Which case do you recommend?

I saw a zShield for a iPod video and thought it looked good. Is it actually good?

Im now sitting here in agony because it's for my birthday. 20th March :(

Hi mate, I had a Nano for a while and I was really carefull with it - and ity still scratched, I'm assuming the video has this same problem as they have the same exterior - so dont even use it until you get some protection, as for which case I dont know - sorry to go off subject lol but they;re expensive and look lovely, keep it that way.
for the case i would recommend the iskin evo 3, bit fiddly to get on, but rock solid an will totally protect it :) great little things these videos arent they, on the plane down to london i had the 2 guys sitting next to me asking me about my ipod video, bout the quality and stuff and they were impressed :D
Same as you Scythe! My black 30gb iPod arrived Saturday. Video clarity is amazing. Have so far got season 1 of scrubs on there along witha load of albums etc...and still only used about 6gb! :) It's very very cool.
Yeah theyre pretty good, compared my friends video ipod next to my psp (which ive just sold due to cash flow probs) and theyre both really good, though psp beats it due to the screen size
1. Do not take off the plastic front until you get yourself a protective sleeve or case.

2. Agent 18 Video Shield is a clear plastic, very tight fitting case that looks good and does its job properly - people seem to like it. I got mine for £25 from a retail store. It is open on the bottom so you can plug in the cable without having to open flaps etc, and likewise with the dock - as long as you have the universal dock, it will sit happily as-is straight away.

Personally I didn't get on with the silicone cases very well - they seem to attract lint like nobody's business and I really wasn't keen on the clumsy hold button (I would have cut it away if I was going to keep the iSkin) I can see that it would protect against shock very well, though.
I have a silicone case for my 30GB iPod Video, and just find it gets in the way. Therefore I don't use it most of the time. Although it's accumulated quite a few scratches on the back, and a few on the screen, my thinking is that a.) I have no intention of selling it on and b.) it's not as if I pull it out of my pocket to show everyone how pretty it looks!
jhmaeng said:
1. Do not take off the plastic front until you get yourself a protective sleeve or case.
Oops. I've used it but hasn't left the house. Its in the box now until my bday. My mum has hidden it :(
with the agent 18 case, is the hole that provides access to the earphone port ig enough to take other adaptors? e.g one that you would find on an in car cassette adaptor thing lol. also, does it protect the clickwheel?
I recommend the Radtech case, I imported one from the US and am very happy with it.
I've not noticed any additional damage to my ipod since starting to use this case, it's slimmer than the Evo3 (I have one of these and have dumped it in favour of the Radtech) or hard palstic cases, the ipod is easilly slid out of the case when desired and it's made of a soft cloth like material so feels nicer in the hand than a silicone case.
stu.artd said:
I recommend the Radtech case, I imported one from the US and am very happy with it.
I've not noticed any additional damage to my ipod since starting to use this case, it's slimmer than the Evo3 (I have one of these and have dumped it in favour of the Radtech) or hard palstic cases, the ipod is easilly slid out of the case when desired and it's made of a soft cloth like material so feels nicer in the hand than a silicone case.

Sounds quite good, would it be possible for you take some pictures of the iPod and the case ? Thanks :)

I'm going to be buying a 30GB iPod soon and was thinking of getting a few accessories (Overlayplus, the Radtech Case & Koss 'The Plug" earphones) before I finally shell out for it.
There are a few photo's below. I bought a little rubber cover for the ipod dock connector that goes on after the ipod's in the case.



stu.artd said:
There are a few photo's below.

Thanks for the pics, it looks good. Does it attract a lot of dust & lint in the same way as a silicone case ?

stu.artd said:
I bought a little rubber cover for the ipod dock connector that goes on after the ipod's in the case.

Yup I assume it's the Portectorz which can be bought for an additional $5 with the case from Radtech.
The plastic screen on the case needs wiped now and again but ny dust on the body isn't noticeable. There's less dust & lint on it after a couple of weeks than there was after a couple of days using the Evo3.

Yep, the rubber cover is one of the Protectorz. Delivery was only 4 days from the US to here, and I wasn't hit with any customs fees. The case shipped in a plastic tube packed safely within a jiffy bag.
stu.artd said:
There are a few photo's below. I bought a little rubber cover for the ipod dock connector that goes on after the ipod's in the case.


It doesn't look as tight fitting as I thought it perhaps would be, is it in real life?

Also, does the rubber bit hold the case on at all, or does it stay on quite tightly on its own?
The case stays on itself, the little rubber piece (not shown in any of the photos) is only a dock port protector. The iPod has never been in any danger of sliding out of the case on its' own as it is a good fit, but it's not such a tight fit as to make it awkward to slide the iPod out easilly when you want to remove it from the case.
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