Iriver H10 owners.

james.miller said:
lack of UMS?

With the 5gb and 6gb H10's you can flash them with the UMS firmware so they are picked up as standard USB hard drives rather than having to do the emeregency connect routine and use easyh10 to get media onto it.

But easyh10 takes seconds so isn't a problem really.

I refuse to install MP10. ;)

I've had my 6gb H10 for a while now and love it, however last night I wanted to take a sledgehammer to it. Out of no where it started playing up, and the standard do the ums trick/drop files/easy h10 to refresh db failed to re-organise my tracks via track number.

No matter what I did, easy h10 would quit halfway through so the db would not be rebuilt. EasyH10 was fine, it was something else. So I reformatted the HD, stuck the 2.51 firmware back on, upped my 4gb of tracks to run into the same problem again. Forgot to backup the font file too so now its reverted to the old iriver font lol.

So right now my tracks have been reorganised for track number via Easyh10 and things are partially back to normal. However certain albums just show the STOP symbol if I try to play them - and those albums are mysteriously empty when I check them via the browser. However if I reinsert the battery to reset the h10, then sometimes they re-appear and play fine?

The problem just above is been happening for sometime now and I've found no way around it, so I've been looking at a 2-4gb flash based player now, I had no hassle with those. Shame really because I love my h10 :(

As a last resort I'll use the wiki to do a UMS/MTP conversion too, prolly soon.
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IF you get a good one then it can be a joy to use - its just such a pity that "IF" has to be so large

I tried three different Iriver's - two 10Gb H10's when they were originally out and an H320, the H320 was DOA , the first H10 battery died within a week and the 2nd H10 the firmware was awful; slow response, jumpy, and always had to be started in emergency mode even with my own pc in full admin account.

The one thing that I kept on reading after going to an Ipod was that Iriver are awful with their firmware - so try one out first if you can and make a note of the firmware (there was an option at bottom of initial menu) if you like it

Rockbox were meant to be doing a 3rd party firmware (they do for 0most irivers ) but this wasnt available when I had mine, but worth a look

also read (not sure if thats correct spelling) which is Iriver's forum etc
FrankJH said:
IF you get a good one then it can be a joy to use - its just such a pity that "IF" has to be so large

Id agree with him partly here to be honest. My first H10 never 'felt' right when i got it as every so often it would freeze without warning. I had it for about 3 months and eventually it crashed and i formatted but it wouldnt let me reload all the music back across. Contacted OcUK (where i bought it) for an RMA and all went smoothly and i have a brand new player which hasnt crashed or argued once, at all.

Even after that i still love it to bits and will recommend it to anyone, after all, my mates ipod was dead as soon as he took ti out the box, so its not just iriver having HDD failure bother.
My first H10 had a loose faceplate on the top left corner for those who recall that. This H10 is my 3rd iriver now and I've always stuck by them because of one reason - robustness and they have a sodding Radio!

Had a H320, which survived acid being dropped on it, but it still ran for 3 more months. Had a nice IFP900 flash bugger which was awesome and so solid.

The H10 was the weakest of the lot mostly because of the UMS/MTP hassle and the firmware. Its so confusing what is what for the nooblets out there. On Mysticriver all you see are confused people half the time. All this MTP/UMS lark shouldn't exist and it's a bit daft that it does.

So far today my H10 has worked perfectly, but I know for a fact that the probs I mentioned in my first post will arise again. I have been looking at iplods today radio.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but can you still drag and drop files/folders with the H10 20gb model like you could do with earlier irivers?
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