Ironsight Futuristic Warfare.

I'm not quite understanding the hype about this game. After years of Cod bashing on here, we have a game that is basically Cod in all but name??
COD games are very simple run and gun games that they charge an absolute fortune for. For all their faults they can be a fun way to pass 30 mins or an hour. The bashing comes partly from the fact they keep churning out the same re-skinned game and charging a AAA price. This game is a complete rip off of COD and is free. So you have all the good things from COD without the ££'s.
the pc im trying it on at moment sees the 1070gb as a 3gb card which i think maybe a game issue.mistly around 100 fps at 1080 but does drop to 50/60 odd actually pretty decent better than most recent cods i played.
the pc im trying it on at moment sees the 1070gb as a 3gb card which i think maybe a game issue.mistly around 100 fps at 1080 but does drop to 50/60 odd actually pretty decent better than most recent cods i played.

You have a bug then system or game issue! They is noway you should be dropping below 100fps at 1080p

fps top left
Kinda hooked ion this. Add me if you want my name is Prattler, ou can find me on the unofficial ocuk discord server.
the pc im trying it on at moment sees the 1070gb as a 3gb card which i think maybe a game issue.mistly around 100 fps at 1080 but does drop to 50/60 odd actually pretty decent better than most recent cods i played.
1080 here and constant 180/200fps at 1440p..
what graphics settings ? i want to try and solve this as it seems a good game.

I have everything maxed.


i sorted my fps drops for some reason win 10 had put my power settings from high performance to balanced :rolleyes: back on high performance doesnt move from 200 fps now.:cool: .
yes on the cpu overclock it must off cause the fps drops.was going down to 50 fps how it was set then going back up to the normal fps settings. now on high performance 200 fps locked doesnt if someone has a simile issue check your windows power settings.
Balanced mode really makes that much difference for you?
Strange one.
Very possible. On my Ryzen build I was getting massive fps drops especially after alt tanning out of game. Turns out without performance plan or Ryzen balanced plan selected when you alt tabbed out windows saw low cpu activity so 'parked' some cores but when you alt tabbed back in it didn't unpark them.
Very possible. On my Ryzen build I was getting massive fps drops especially after alt tanning out of game. Turns out without performance plan or Ryzen balanced plan selected when you alt tabbed out windows saw low cpu activity so 'parked' some cores but when you alt tabbed back in it didn't unpark them.
yes on the cpu overclock it must off cause the fps drops.was going down to 50 fps how it was set then going back up to the normal fps settings. now on high performance 200 fps locked doesnt if someone has a simile issue check your windows power settings.

Very possible. On my Ryzen build I was getting massive fps drops especially after alt tanning out of game. Turns out without performance plan or Ryzen balanced plan selected when you alt tabbed out windows saw low cpu activity so 'parked' some cores but when you alt tabbed back in it didn't unpark them.

Thanks guys will give this a shot.
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