Is 100k a large salary?

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People talk about averages conveniently forgetting that cost of living is not average where he commented on. On 100k you're basically a slave to the mortgage in these areas.
I think it said 44k was the average in Surrey. Maybe not that particular area.

I do find it hard to say 100k isn't a large salary when the is above the 95percentile.
Maybe if Joe and Jane in Essex stopped spending all their cash on cosmetic garbage to impress their equally cosmetic 'friends' then 100K would be entirely more than enough.

The entitlement is beyond a joke.
People talk about averages conveniently forgetting that cost of living is not average where he commented on. On 100k you're basically a slave to the mortgage in these areas.

Exactly. My income is approaching 100k, and honestly, it's more than enough to support a family of 4 in the East Midlands. My mortgage is only 570 a month though. I haven't looked at what mortgage we could bear if we wanted to max it, as I have no interest in being a mortgage slave, but it wouldn't go anything like as far in Surrey (for example).

That said, there must be plenty of people in Surrey on less than 100k, so his comments do come across as a bit crass IMO. Doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things, but it's another small nail in the coffin of this government.
People talk about averages conveniently forgetting that cost of living is not average where he commented on. On 100k you're basically a slave to the mortgage in these areas.
In fact you couldn’t even get a mortgage in Godalming for the average property without a hefty deposit. That’s how significant the cost of living is when we look at these numbers.
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Maybe if Joe and Jane in Essex stopped spending all their cash on cosmetic garbage to impress their equally cosmetic 'friends' then 100K would be entirely more than enough.

The entitlement is beyond a joke.
Is this the new version of 'if youngsters stop buying the latest iphone and having avocado on toast every morning they can buy a house like I did for 50p 50 years ago?'
Yeah well that's a house price issue, doesn't mean the salary still isn't massive in comparison to other salaries.
And you'll reap the benefits later.

You'll be able to move anywhere in the country and retire early.

That's what I think is often forgotten. You may have a big mortgage. But later in life you'll be able to retire early, move and have plenty of cash in the bank.
Obviously to a peasant like me its a ridiculous amount but my youngest i(Dr/ senior strategist nhs and son in law, some sales thing London and New York) they just scale up, month in NZ over xmas, multiple holidays and looking at detached near tube stations with silly prices that they have to really think about budgeting in, so as said most just scale up
@danlightbulb I'm sure they'd love a property for 250k that was fit for purpose, good luck raising a family in a 1bed flat though. Also the childcare issue the article references seems to be another thing conveniently forgotten about.
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