Is 1900 x 1200 taller than 1900 x 1080

6 Sep 2007
Is a 24" 1900 x 1200 monitor taller than a 1900 x 1080 or what? How does that work?

I ask as looked at some 24" monitors in the shop and they've hardly got any height except for the Mac one which was much higher but less wide which I would prefer but is too expensive.

OK. Thanks chaps especially Liamb. Yeah, I saw a dell E248wfp (1900 x 1200) in Tesco and it was definitely taller than the 1080's i d seen. So my new wish list is

24", 1900x1200, matte screen, £200-£250.

Im thinking then the E248wfp. I need the monitor for graphics work for the web. Id like a colour accurate one but thats too expensive at the moment.
Actually, its not important what it looks like on my monitor, its how it looks on my clients' customers' monitors that really matters (the general public or specifically: reasonably well-off 40 to 50 year olds who will generally have bog standard monitors) So average colour reproducion will do for now. I have a cheap Sharp 15" that I always test everything on and that has been great. In my experience it has a very standard colour palette. If it looks good on that it'll look good on anything. What I dont want is a monitor like my 17" AG Neveo F417 which has terribly oversaturated yellows or a viewsonic I once had that had terrible undersaturated reds.

Does anyone have an E248. Ive heard the viewing angles arent too good. Are the colours signifcantly different at the edge compared to the middle when looking straight at it?

Also, any other monitor suggestions I might consider?
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