Is Assassin's Creed Unity worth it now ?

18 Oct 2002
Riding my bike
Now that the game has had several months to get patched on the PC is it worth it ?

Are there many:

a) Insta-fail follow missions
b) QTEs
c) bugs/glitches left

I really enjoyed AC2 and used to live in Paris so like the setting but I want to know how many of the launch issues have now been resolved ?

Cheers !
Also interested. I've had it for a while but I fear after playing MGSV and its awesome gameplay this would just pale in comparison, especially the stealth parts.
In a nutshell, No.

I got the game as a present and I feel sorry for the person who gave it to me.

Not the bugs, just the gameplay is boring in my opinion.
Sup, I made a similar thread a couple of weeks back:

In my opinion, it's great. Certainly heads back in the Assassins Creed direction instead of Pirates Creed.

No bugs either at all. Running at max with my 980 ti at 1080p. Never goes below 60fps. Looks a treat.

Edit, to answer your questions...

Insta fail missions, not sure what you mean, if you start running the opposite direction of someone you're meant to chase down, then yea, you'll fail it...

QTE's, none. Not any that have been involved in cutscenes or anything that I've seen. Combat is no longer a dodge > counter > spam 'x' until all are dead. It's MUCH better.

Bugs/glitches. As I said, not had any. Had 1 crash to desktop, but AC:U isn't the only game I have that with. Think my 980ti has an issue.
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