Am I right in thinking that Creative have lost their way and they along with "EAX" are no longer king?
I have an Elite PRO which im trying to flog but nobody wants it and am thinking of upgrading to a Xonar.
Frankly, I think for "High End" - Creative have definitely lost their way.
EAX still works 100% with no issues in all OpenAL Games (most modern games should be this) and with Emulation/Conversion using Creative ALchemy in DirectSound Games (older tech should really be dead by now).
Mobo bios to sort out issues with 4GB+Vista than thats their fault not Creative.
I guess that's true (and EAX is great) but it doesn't stop a large percentage of the actual cards having issues with thousands of threads on the creative discussion forums listing so many problems
I'm having to use a modded set of drivers just to get my Audigy 2 ZS to run properly in Vista x64
No issues in Vista64 here, if you cant get satifaction after latest Drivers, you need get your Mobo vendor to write a new Bios or buy another Mobo.
P.S, the 4GB+vista issue is in the past, ok it took ages to fix but again not all were effected, down to Mobo Chipset and I bet latencies again.