are you done? no one asked for this here. so if you could delete your nonsense, please.
Nah, the duality of people here is the real problem. Pointing out how easily they are to jump at a game that has issues and also uses NV tech, but if a game runs better on AMD with the same tech it's not NV's fault then.
Just like no one asks them to go on tirades about the evils of Gameworks, when it's clearly the ineptitude of the developers; Gears of War and Arkham Knight being a prime examples.
I for one am happy the game looks and runs brilliantly ( although on reddit they seem to think it's still unoptimized rubbish) on all hardware. To me it shows Ubisoft are finally getting their act together with PC Games.
Now if only they can sort their servers out so I can get online.