Is it appropriate to just 'pop in' to see how things are going?

personally I would've stopped after the first message.

either he's too busy to respond, or they're not going to hire you. continuing just makes you look like a crazy person.

on a different note there are a few alarm bells going off for me, small startup business (okay not a major issue), "got to get some money sorted" who interviews before knowing what budget they have, who seriously finishes an interview with a fist bump..

This was pretty much my first introduction to the world of work - small basically startup company that was waiting on a government contract before finalising new hires - day before I was due to start the MD/owner did a runner with the money.
I went for a job at a small buisiness.

Went well and was asked to come back for another half day.

Was then "offered" the job, discussed the usual stuff and expected a contract in the post.

No contract... no contact from the Boss or anybody else.

Turned out that the owner who interviewed me hadn't discussed it with one of the other directors and had blocked my appointment (fair enough I suppose he was worried they couldn't afford it)
They didn't call me for months, guess they were embarrassed.. pretty stupid how people are sometimes, dodged a bullet really as they would have been awful employers.
(and ending the interviews with a fistbump)


Anyway yeah, I think two messages is the max really, the second one is pushing it, especially so close together like that.

For whatever reason it doesn't seem to be happening, at this point in time.
This is a wind up, right?

Just look for another job mate, if this bloke wanted to employ you he would have rang you... employers don't just sit around waiting for potential staff to get in contact before starting work after an interview... and those that do, must be run by idiots.

I'm getting a strong feeling these interviews went better in your head than reality. Move on, better luck next time.
how cool and open the boss was (swapping wechat details and ending the interviews with a fistbump)

This tells me they aren't that professional and the chance of being mucked around has increased dramatically...

In my earlier days of interviewing people I might let on how well I thought someone did. Next person steps up and does even better... Oh...
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