Is it just me or..

I don't understand. Are you claiming I shop at Waitrose? Who shops at Waitrose? It's totally obvious you've totally missed the point of Fairtrade

No, it was quite obviously just an example.

The point of fairtrade is to give a fairer price to suppliers in poor countries and increase the living standards of their estate workers. So no, I haven't missed the point of it.

I am questioning

a) it's efficacy
b) the motivations of some people that buy fairtrade products.

It's clear that this is a discussion that's above you, I don't think you're the type I can have it with, so I give up.
It's clear that this is a discussion that's above you.

It's above me?

It's not my job to subsidise the third world's poor business practices

Fairtrade is a con

why don't they post a cheque to a random Kenyan beaner every month.

This modern-day obsession with 'fair' business bugs the crap out of me

I bet not all your clothes are made with fairtrade cotton
I'm just amazed someone tracks the price of nuts! :D

I buy a big bag of KP Salted every couple of weeks or so and I couldn't tell you if they cost £1, £2, £3 or more, never mind if the price is trending higher :D
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