Is it possible to direct feed a pi with DSLR data

7 Aug 2004
As title, im wondering if its possible to:

DSLR --> Rasp Pi --> this 'syncs/transmits' the data to a pc in real time via wireless network.

Any ideas how to do this? Obviously have to run the pi off a battery.
this sounds interesting... I know next to nothing about cameras, but what protocols does your/all camera use normally to transfer the photos on wifi? as that would be the limiting/troublesome factor.

Its similar to the apple iphoto stream, but that relays on icloud. When a photo is taken its uploaded to icloud then downloaded on the other devices. But I guess you wont have an internet connection on the pi so it may have to be some ad-hoc straight file transfer.

Sounds like a great little project!

I don't think you can do this in realtime. I.e. most cameras via USB interface go into mass storage mode. But I would imagine you can plug the pi, have a udev script to mount to a particular point and trigger a script to do the transfer. You can setup nice feedback via a 1 line LCD mounted on a case for the pi, I.e. connecting, transfer progress... Etc...

Maybe I'm making it sound too easy but I can only see 2 complications. 1) connecting to the wifi network in range, unless you do a BTopenzone via your universal login, this way you can search for ssid pattern, 2) having a power supply/battery to sustain the wifi.


Some dslr's offer a wifi dongle :D

If you want to go from wifi dslr to wifi pi, this just adds another layer of complication. But as slinxy says you will need to figure out how the wifi on the camera works to setup a wireless ad-hoc net. If its standard then maybe... You can setup ad-hoc from camera, instruct pi to mount a possible remote share on the dslr... Not sure about this one

Good luck.

Sounds like something I would love to follow progress on... Lots of pictures and scripts please :D
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