Is it safe to store your passwords?

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
In Firefox (and IE when I used that) I stored my passwords for everything; ebay, paypal, forums, email, competitors etc.

Is this actually safe? How is the sensitive information kept secure?
I know someone who uses a wireless encryption code (the hex ones which are like 26 digits long) as a password. And he remembers it all.

Anwyay, on topic, I just remember my passwords, dont like the idea of anyone being able to access my details by just going to a site.
I use the same password for everything with one minor change depending on what it's for. So if anyone looks over my shoulder it will only work on that one site. Seems to work well.

I did use Norton Password Manager for a while but it's broken for some reason now.
All of my passwords are logged in my mind!:p But sometimes when i havent used an account for a long time it takes me a while to remember! I never feel it is safe if its written down somewhere
My question hasn't been answered though :rolleyes: Is it SAFE?

I don't like having the same password for everything, it's very stupid IMO.
If you're storing passwords in Firefox make sure you set a master password (tools: options: passwords) otherwise anyone using your PC can access them all...
Tommy B said:
Is it SAFE?

Of course not - anyone with access to your PC can use your accounts, I only store passwords for things like forums, not for banking or anything that really *matters*
Nothing is objectively safe or unsafe. You could say that a computer with no form of local log-on protection (no password, no user management, just all-root all-the-time) would be insecure, but then again it could be kept in a bank vault.

If you're the only person who uses your PC, then yes, it's safe; if not, then it all depends on how much you trust the other people who use your PC.
no, firefox stores passwords in plain text, you can see them through the menu somewhere, i've come accross mine before and was shocked.
Clarkey said:
no, firefox stores passwords in plain text, you can see them through the menu somewhere, i've come accross mine before and was shocked.

Set the master password!
I have two main passwords which I keep only in my head and use for everything.

Of course if anyone ever found out what they were I'd be screwed but I've not slipped up yet :)
Sigg said:
If you're storing passwords in Firefox make sure you set a master password (tools: options: passwords) otherwise anyone using your PC can access them all...

This is what i do. Im also the only one that uses the computer, so its pretty safe for me at least.
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