is it safe to turn off antivirus software

10 Feb 2011
I only use windows 10 antivirus software but it stopping oculus downloading games and it even says on there website to turn it off while downloading games if having problems. How safe is it to turn off and what do you turn off?. Thanks.

It only doing it with certain games. At the moment I'm trying to download Elite D and antivirus software is stopping it but I have downloaded other since.
How confident are you that the content you are downloading is safe?

I have a similar issue with a new vendor's software at work which the AV stops from running. Their fix is for us to add an exception and allow it. I want assurances around their testing and secure coding practices and have asked the AV company to investigate. I want to know my risks first :)
Have you tried whitelisting Oculus instead to see if that helps? It seems extreme to ask you to turn off your AV in order to fix downloads.
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