Is it the mage class that bores me!? - WoW

I have a 50 warlock (MD) and enjoy that. Got bored of the rogue very quickly, persisted until lvl 21 but can't be bothered with him anymore. Current alt is a priest - no probs getting into parties at all, quickest leveller of the lot.
Im finding the level 33 mage boring as hell. Im getting it to 35 to max the proffesion then its getting dumped, the most boring class I have played.

Warlock, hunter, and rogue, are the better characters i have played.

Personally if you like being a caster go warlock tbh.

Oh and if you want to be really bored try a Paladin.
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Frank Butcher said:
Depends what talent route you go down really.

There is no talent tree to remove the int bar from a Shaman, and you wouldn't be a very good shaman if you never used any mana...
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