So you weren't self taught in isolation. You had feedback. And I don't think as good comes into it at all to be fair. Technique and knowledge are tools to get a message across. You play 'better' than Kurt Cobain for example but that doesn't necessarily mean he was worse than you. For his message flawless technique would have really worked would it I suspect maybe half the attraction was someone who struggle to play and sing about songs about struggle.
My point I try to drive home is why limit yourself at the age of 7 keep all routes open. You can learn by ear and by sight reading.
Any decent musician is teaching themselves when they practice. Whether they get feedback from a teacher or a peer is just the icing on the cake.
Aged 7 is a bit too young to be hitting the pub circuit imo. Although I have seen it done and it ended in child protection issues so let's not go there! So the feedback needs to come from a mentor.
Maybe I am grumpy old git when it comes to players not getting feedback on mistakes but a little part of me dies every time a self taught 18 Yr old turns up and plays Satch Boogie without any swing.
My point I try to drive home is why limit yourself at the age of 7 keep all routes open. You can learn by ear and by sight reading.
Any decent musician is teaching themselves when they practice. Whether they get feedback from a teacher or a peer is just the icing on the cake.
Aged 7 is a bit too young to be hitting the pub circuit imo. Although I have seen it done and it ended in child protection issues so let's not go there! So the feedback needs to come from a mentor.
Maybe I am grumpy old git when it comes to players not getting feedback on mistakes but a little part of me dies every time a self taught 18 Yr old turns up and plays Satch Boogie without any swing.