is it worth to update my 4770k in 8700k or 9900k??

so is it worth to update my 4770k to 8700k??

will i have bottleneck in 3440x1440 with 100hz monitor panel?? with my 4770K??

someone told me this//?? is it true??

and he told me for to not have bottleneck he told me to buy 8700k

also he told me

as for the cpu, 4770k will do fine at 2560x1440 or 3440x1440 60Hz, but for 100Hz you're gonna want the 8700k, would be a shame to bottleneck such powerhouse of a GPU like 1080ti or 2080. 60 fps to 100 fps is a huge improvement, to me it's on par with 30 fps to 60 fps, though 60 is still very playable to me.

if you're getting 1080ti/2080 and 100hz display now, they you'd better not wait 3 years with upgrading cpu.

you're definitely hampering performance of a 1080ti on a high refresh display in some of them. how much is hard to say, it will vary from game to game. it's worth mentioning that fps is not the only factor, when cpu usage is high you're likely to see stutter. that's why it's worth switching from 4c/8t to 8 physical cores.

all these things he told me is it true?
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so my 4770k will be with Dell Alienware AW3418DW and one 1080 ti or 2080 ti??
will i have botlenecks ??

there will always be a bottle neck. be it CPU, GPU, RAM, SSD's and so on forget the word "bottle neck"

also dont buy the alienware monitor, your just paying extra for the name. just buy a samsung or asus 1440 super wide, the alienware monitor is nothing special.

100hz(FPS) is a pice of ****. i have an i5 with a 980ti that dose over 100fps are 1440.
for 8 threads and a 1080ti, 1440 is easy
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