Is "keeping pictures of your mates" sad?

its the same as having packs of photos in your drawer of drunken nights, holidays etc.

I have photos going back to school, which tend to be hidden away now ;) Late 70's and early 80's haircuts *shivers*
eXSBass said:
I've got images of my mates on my computer. When I get more I just put it in the folder. Its in my own folder in My Pictures. Now my brother says keeping pictures of my mates is sad. I say its not, they're my mates and so there shouldn't be a problem.

Well, whats your opinions on this? :)

Nah, thats alright. You only really cross the line when you have litle altars dedicated to each of them, surrounded by candles, and the odd voodoo doll or two. And a bag of their hair / nail clippings....
Nothing wrong with pics of your friends. Even if they are female and hot as long as you have a legitimate reason for having the pics. If you hid in the bushes to take the pics then yes that is creepy :D
well... i keep pictures of my mates that are funny or somehow "cool" (im a live action roleplayer, so a lot of them are in costume), but i wouldnt keep a portrait style photo.

keeping nude images would also be a little...odd...

but you gotta have pics of yer mates doing stupid stuff when they are drunk for stitch-up purposes...

that sort of thing, but the events i go to are about 3000-5000 people with massive battles and shedloads of politics and the like.

the costume tends to be better quality than in the pics you found- i have a proper ringmail shirt, steel plate greaves, articulated heavy leather gauntlets and so on- the whole costume cost me about £400ish i suppose. i've also spent about £250 on weapons.

It's better than having no mates! Tell your brother to boogy off.

Also allude to his naked pictures of himself collection (I bet he has one - hypocrite). If he turns bright red and furiously denies any such accusation laugh at him and tell him he is a SICK PERVERT! You win. ;)
Erm, I have like 13,252 photos dating back to February 1999 of my mates and my life so I think you're alright... :)

I bought a digital camera (640x480) all those years ago and just started taking it everywhere. Mostly on nights out but pretty much anywhere of interest, also took it to work on occasions just to take random photos. I intend to continue for years and years to come and then maybe one day write a picture book of my life. Could be interesting for a history lesson or errr, something... Still, even now - looking back to 1999 brings back some ace memories that I would have otherwise forgotten so i'm really glad I've done it although some people probably think i'm weird.. :D

Every photo also has an acdsee description next to it so I can see why the photo was taken or anything else I wanted to say at the time. Also makes searching really easy. Just type in car and every photo of mine and my friends cars will be listed etc.
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No its not sad..your brother is a boob..

I have tons of pics...many of them are similar to this though :o

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