Yesterday while testing a different PSU with my system, the Corsair RGB controller on my 570X case burnt out (it is SATA powered), and was billowing smoke. It turns out that these controllers are prone to randomly die in a pyromaniac fashion. This evening however I have just noticed that my 1 TB Seagate FireCuda is no longer showing in either Windows or the BIOS. I know the SATA cable still works as it powers the front Corsair LED just fine but the HDD literally does nothing even when I switch the connectors over to the one that was powering the LED correctly. If its not showing up or making any noises at all, does this mean it is effectively dead? That would be a bummer. Everything else in the PC besides the controller seems to function correctly.
Edit: I've plugged the SATA data and power cable into another HDD I have and it works fine, which I guess means my HDD is toast. Wounded.
Edit: I've plugged the SATA data and power cable into another HDD I have and it works fine, which I guess means my HDD is toast. Wounded.
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