Is my Intel SSD running as it should be? TRIM on and minimum writes to disk..

16 Nov 2009
Middlesbrough, UK
How do I check my Intel 160Gb SSD is running as it should be? Ive seen a program called HDD Tune? But am unsure where to obtain this or what it does?

Can someone please lend some assitance in how to check my SSD is running as it should be?

Thanks in advance! :D
So what does HD tune do? And you havent answered my question..

How do i check my SSD is running correctly? E.g. using trim etc.. ? and not doing unneccessary writes..
Will HD tune tell me if TRIM is on? - Also im using Windows 7 and driver version - Can anyone confirm is this is the right driver for Trim?
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go to the intel website immediatly and download the intel ssd toolbox

Just done that before u posted.. Wondered if had been re-released. And ran the checks.. only one i never done is a full diagnostic? cos it said it could take up to an hour..?

So, Is my drive ok and am I using TRIM? with driver ?

Or where does it say in the Intel toolbox if TRIM is working?

Thanks - Rob
Does this look ok..?

I downloaded both the intel toolbox and crystaldisk. Intel toolbox says error connecting to drive :( says that for 2 other drives to, I think it's just my IDE drive it's happy with.
Crystalmark (in chinese!!!!) has trim highlighted, which is a start I suppose...

You can change the language to english in CrystalDisk (top right). Unsure why its not listing your drive tho. Start a new thread
Found this and thought of you :)

Q: "How do I know if TRIM is working in Windows 7?"

A: Go to the Command prompt and type:

fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify

DisableDeleteNotify = 1 (Windows TRIM commands are disabled)
DisableDeleteNotify = 0 (Windows TRIM commands are enabled)

DisableDeleteNotify = 0 - Why thankyou kind sir.
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