Is my Raptor dead?

15 Oct 2003
Nottingham, UK

My system has been acting a little wierd this past few days and I think my raptor is to blame. I ran HDTach against it and got the following results


3.2 MB/S is obviously very, very wrong. I rand the WD diagnostics which reports a SMART failure (Raw Read Error Rate) but the scan itself passes.

Would this drive be eligible for an RMA? It's still in warranty
I was concerned the SATA cable could be faulty so I've just replaced that and I'm still having problems. Anyone got any ideas? I'm getting desperate :)
spib said:
I was concerned the SATA cable could be faulty so I've just replaced that and I'm still having problems. Anyone got any ideas? I'm getting desperate :)

Looks like it's poorly mate, send it back to WD and get a replacmenet drive me thinks.
Well, it's an easter miracle - my raptor has risen from the dead.

Turns out that the reason it was running at 3MB/s was the POS Asrock mobo i ws using temporarily since my old IC7 blew up. I put a new ASUS board in yesterday and we're back up to 55-60MB/s. Still getting the SMART error though...
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