I recently switched my motherboard since it had become faulty (or so I thougt - it was the RAM)...
Since the transplant (I've fully formatteed since), the drive has become really slow. I.E. to transfer a 1.5GB file the estimated time to my external drive is ~1min.
With the Raptor to transfer the same file from one part of the drive to another is an estimated ~3mins . I've noticed the slow down in speed when downloading large files too (where it gets transferred after it completes), unzipping large files etc..
I've ran CHKDSK, defragmented with PerfectDisk, used the WD diagnostic tool.. no red flags IIRC.
I ran HD Tach and the results were similar to my friend who has the 150GB Raptor (I have the 74GB version which is about 2.5 years old now). The only difference was I got huge spike downs in the graph?
Pictures for comparison below..
My friend's:
So is my HDD dying? Or is there something I've missed which could bring it back upto speed? (I used the sata drivers supplied with the DFI Ultra-D btw).
Since the transplant (I've fully formatteed since), the drive has become really slow. I.E. to transfer a 1.5GB file the estimated time to my external drive is ~1min.
With the Raptor to transfer the same file from one part of the drive to another is an estimated ~3mins . I've noticed the slow down in speed when downloading large files too (where it gets transferred after it completes), unzipping large files etc..
I've ran CHKDSK, defragmented with PerfectDisk, used the WD diagnostic tool.. no red flags IIRC.
I ran HD Tach and the results were similar to my friend who has the 150GB Raptor (I have the 74GB version which is about 2.5 years old now). The only difference was I got huge spike downs in the graph?
Pictures for comparison below..
My friend's:
So is my HDD dying? Or is there something I've missed which could bring it back upto speed? (I used the sata drivers supplied with the DFI Ultra-D btw).