I'd normally jump on posts like this - as the Uni experience is what gets a lot of folk out of their parents basements and thrusted into society (I have lots of friends who have never left the post code) --- but the costs are just astronomical now. And excuses like "but you'll only pay it back if you earn £xxK" make me feel sad that a youth would constrain their future on such a low earning threshold (welcome to the real world where 30k is peanuts).
Uni experience is overrated, if you've had a sheltered life then yes it's useful but it leaves you with £60k student debt (4 year course).
This is a summary of two different routes I could have taken:
Route 1
Do A-levels for two years- Broke
Do University for 4 years- very broke
1 year professional registration year- £18k salary
Total: £18k cumulative income after 6 years
Then you can earn £40-55k (as a pharmacist)
That's 7 years, £60,000 debt, I now pay £210 a month towards student loan and it's not even paying off the interest.
This is the other route:
Route 2
Trade Apprenticeship- 3 years or if you don't want to do a trade then A-levels 2 years you can then go onto an accountancy or computing apprenticeship. Either way you are earning £17k-21k at 18.
Become a qualified tradesperson within 3 years then the world is your oyster, self-employed work or if you go down the accounting/computing apprenticeship you'll probably earn £40-50k soon after qualifying as a chartered accountant.
Total: £60k cumulative income after 3 years, no debt.
The Government loves the 1st route because they can tax you on everything, I know I'm not alone but my monthly deductions as a % of income is quite frankly ridiculous
Secondary schools always push the University option even if you have rubbish A-levels (they tried it with me but I decided to retake the year at college) the reason for this is it looks good on their prospectus.
Apologies if it sounds a bit tin foil hat but they don't want you to learn about taxes, laws and life basics such as how to fix a leaking tap/ how to cook. They just want to churn out students and have a nice shiny prospectus pack that says 99% A*-C at GCSE.