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Is now the best time to sell your GPU?

22 Jan 2013
If you don’t need it anymore or want to make some easy cash then absolutely sell. The guaranteed price from Cex is a good one.

I sold my 3070 FE a few weeks back for £1000 simply because the thought of more than doubling my money was too good to pass up. You might catch a bit of heat on this post but don’t pay any attention. That’s just the current situation we are in and if you can profit from it then all the best to you.
3 Jan 2006
Chadderton, Oldham
Series S is easily available, if you don't mind all digital.

Not really into that lower powered console really, I want full fat!

Some guy on facebook was begging me to sell my 3080 to him he was even going to give me 1500 + a 970, but I just couldn't be arsed with posting or meeting someone when I knew CEX was much simpler, I told him and told him, in the end he was all abusive to me and called me scum.
23 Oct 2019
Not really into that lower powered console really, I want full fat!

Some guy on facebook was begging me to sell my 3080 to him he was even going to give me 1500 + a 970, but I just couldn't be arsed with posting or meeting someone when I knew CEX was much simpler, I told him and told him, in the end he was all abusive to me and called me scum.

Sounds like you dodget a bullet there.
1 Aug 2012
Not really into that lower powered console really, I want full fat!

Some guy on facebook was begging me to sell my 3080 to him he was even going to give me 1500 + a 970, but I just couldn't be arsed with posting or meeting someone when I knew CEX was much simpler, I told him and told him, in the end he was all abusive to me and called me scum.

Wow if he has £1500 he should have just looked at getting the 3090fe instead, they are easier to get hold of then most AIBs when they drop.
17 Mar 2009
I'm going to shop in my Geforce 1080, it's stuck in the garage in a box at the moment and I just don't trust ebay, all boxed and they will pay £292, not bad at all, will take it down on the weekend.
1 Jun 2006
hmmm so this will get even worse once people realize the cex high prices. buy a i5 system with a 3070 in sell 3070 for 900 get a brand new i5 system for 300 quid. lol.
12 Jan 2021
I can't see all of their prices staying that high for much longer, e.g. its been possible to buy new 6700xt for cheaper than they sell 2nd hand ones for. Having said that I like to use them as its hassle free for me and its nice to support a second hand market on the high street.
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16 Aug 2009
I'm curious how does an outfit like that test them? Do they have a setup in store (seems unlikely) or do you have to post it to them?

Store testing you just create an account online if you don't have one already with your bank details then book it in head to store hand it over the counter next day the moneys in your account. Handy if you don't want the risk or hassle of private selling via couriers.
18 Oct 2002
I'd be tempted to question anything that was tested at a CEX tbh, I took a load of old drives in last year, they sent 4 back, 3 IDE ones that they didn't want, and one drive that just had no partitions on it lol
10 Feb 2021
I'd be tempted to question anything that was tested at a CEX tbh, I took a load of old drives in last year, they sent 4 back, 3 IDE ones that they didn't want, and one drive that just had no partitions on it lol
LoL... IDE drives? I am surprised they even let you send them.

And everybody wins. There testing is painless for the seller. And if the buyer gets a dud, well its covered by 2yr warranty anway.

I had an old GTS250 lying around that I traded in with a few other items, and it failed there testing. (Was only going to be worth £3 anyway...) So there test is at least enough to weed out dead items.
16 Aug 2009
I don't think it's particularly rigorous I think they just plug it in and if it fires up its good to go. I bought a gamepad from them once it looked ok but turned out it had a fault that was only revealed if you did some proper gaming with it that they clearly hadn't noticed. I don't mind flogging them stuff but I'd think twice about buying anything.
10 Feb 2021
I don't think it's particularly rigorous I think they just plug it in and if it fires up its good to go. I bought a gamepad from them once it looked ok but turned out it had a fault that was only revealed if you did some proper gaming with it that they clearly hadn't noticed. I don't mind flogging them stuff but I'd think twice about buying anything.

Id have no qualms buying from them.
Last year at the start of the pandemic and when I tried to buy a 2080S, I ended up buying a 1080 Waterforce from Cex.
It turned out to have a really loud pump at idle, and after a week they took it back no questions asked. I sent it RM special delivery with insurance which cost £11, they refunded me that money too.

They cant possibly test everything to the extent to find all issues. How long should they stress test a card? Or what games should they play on a controller and for how long?

The main thing is, if you find a problem they sort it. Either a full refund, or exchange for something else. The stick a 2yr warranty on too. So even if you get issues later down the line, you can always go back to them. Think 1st 6mo or something its full refund. After that its either replace with like-for-like or partial refund.
Seems fair to me.
20 Apr 2009
This is why I would only sell it to CEX at this price. I would feel no guilt scalping them.

To be fair, they're not the end user, so they're then effectively scalping on. At least if you sell to an individual for that price, they're then not paying a further 20% in CEX.

sold 3080 FE as well, upgraded directly to a 3090, felt a bit "dirty" about it but zero regrets.

Yeah... me too. Effectively got paid £100 to upgrade the 3080 to a 3090. I know it's not 'the done thing' but TBH I would never otherwise be able to afford a card like this one, and never have been. This'll last me absolutely years.

I fully expect to find that transgression in St. Peter's book, when I eventually get to the pearly gates :D



24 Sep 2005
Think I'll sell my 3080 to CeX this weekend assuming it stays at such an absurd price, I bought it back in October (I think) to game.

Realistically I've not been playing much recently, plus summer coming up and a bit more freedom, I might as well cash in now and then come back to the market next year when things might have calmed down slightly. If not, I'll just stick with my 2070S until it dies.
19 Sep 2020
Certainly can understand why people do it.

If you can get an 3080 FE at MSRP for £649 and then pop into town and sell it to CEX for £1445 thats a no brainer to me, especially as you dont have to deal with an auction site and people on there.
It truely shows the state of the market if a shop is buying for a ridiculous price as well, of which they sell it for even more.

Same goes with any of the FE cards - Buy a 3090 at £1400 and sell to CEX for £1870.
18 Oct 2002
If you can get an 3080 FE at MSRP for £649 and then pop into town and sell it to CEX for £1445 thats a no brainer to me, especially as you dont have to deal with an auction site and people on there.

Its the 3080 I want, so if I can get one, then I'm just happy enough to sell the 3060Ti to whoever wants it at whatever they wanna pay, if it doesn't sell in 7 days or so then I might take it to CEX, after its been offered to friends etc..
24 Feb 2003
Certainly can understand why people do it.

If you can get an 3080 FE at MSRP for £649 and then pop into town and sell it to CEX for £1445 thats a no brainer to me, especially as you dont have to deal with an auction site and people on there.
It truely shows the state of the market if a shop is buying for a ridiculous price as well, of which they sell it for even more.

Same goes with any of the FE cards - Buy a 3090 at £1400 and sell to CEX for £1870.

It might sound strange, although I am not willing to spend £1445 on a 3080 ...I would also rather have the 3080 right now than the £1445, I don't need the money but I really, really want the card but the reason I wouldn't actaually spend that for the card is because I know it's foolish and I don't want my lack of patience to enrich someone else, I would feel like I was being taken for a fool and that's worse than not having the card I think ...it's a funny one I guess.
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