I own both pumps and i believe its how you set the pumps and the pump tops itself. mine runs quiter than my d5 did and i am running dual ddcs, although mine are pwm
As for your aquero fail, im sorry to hear that, but really speaking from the amount of happy people i know who use them including on these forums/and the aqua computer forums and other forums, your case is quite unique and rare. i wont just point the finger and ask why you did not ask for helps in setting up an alarm which you can do in the software,and still would have worked regardless of you not being able to load the system(if you used an aquero computer) as all settings are saved to the device. i know this to be true because like an idiot when i first built my pc with aqua computer i couldn't be bothered to sort the cables at the back of the case so when i put the back case back on it had crushed the cables and thus the pumps was nto working. temps crapt up then a shrilling alarm went of on my aqua computer. the system does work. perhaps you did not set it up or understand what you had ?
If i am wrong i appologise