OK Ill throw them in the bin. Need to order some 595s then - whats the best price for them? £90 is the cheapest Ive found from Jersey...
Also are open headphone better than closed ones?
Bugger thrown it away - did actually need a door stopper tooYes, they make very good door stops.
yes, at the same price point, open headphones are generally considerably better than closed counterparts. Start thinking about spending a couple of hundred pounds and above if you want genuine quality closed back headphones. This is the kind of stuff that matters to audiophiles like myself though. If your primary use is gaming, and if you don't have experience climbing the ladder of audiophile headphones, you won't really notice the difference. So there is nothing wrong with going for closed.
I want to get rid of the speedlinks and get some HD 555's but wouldn't these need an amp to run off to get a good volume?