Is the time right for horsemeat to make a proper appearance?

8 Nov 2005
I don't know about anyone else, but the seemingly daily revelations about yet more 'tainted' foods having been on sale in our nation's supermarkets are having one main effect on me - hunger.

I'm dying to try a horsemeat burger again, having last had one in France as a much younger man and it strikes me that now would be a fantastic time for someone to introduce horsemeat as a readily available source of protein - I'm sure it can't just be me who feels curious, even compelled, to try out some as part of my regular diet.

After all, you've had loads of marketing for free, so why not take advantage and ride on the back of the increased awareness?! And plenty of people have probably already eaten and enjoyed it, even if they weren't aware of it at the time, so you could run with a slogan of 'the meat you didn't know you already loved' or something equally crass.

Of course this is hardly likely to happen at all, let alone be taken up by one of the large supermarket brands, but increased availability of horsemeat in some form would be a nice thing to have happen as a result of all this furore, wouldn't it?

Or at the very least a lasting reassurance that eating horsemeat is acceptable, perfectly safe and indeed rather tasty.
I'd be fine with it. For me, the whole issue with this thing isn't even that it's horse meat, it's that the meat isn't listed correctly. I'd feel the same if it was lamb, chicken or pork in burgers listed as 100% beef.
Actually, we need to rename it.

Sheep = mutton, not sheepmeat
Lambs = lamb not baby sheep meat
Deer = Venison not deermeat or bambi
Cows = Beef not cowmeat
Chicken is not chickenmeat or bird flesh
Turkey the same
(In fact, fowl are just named after the actual bird name)
Pigs = Bacon, Pork, gammon etc not pigmeat, or miss piggy.

Names are important in making it sound appealing and selling the product.

I suggest calling it shergar or red rum, the latter will appeal to alcoholics.
I'd love for it to be available here and you might be right /re the timing. Then again, the recent portrayal of horsemeat has been as a cheap alternative to 'proper' meat. If it were to be more readily available I'd definitely prefer more of a focus on quality meat rather than frozen horse mince and the like.
i think its been blown out of proportion but i belive its the drugs that may of been given to the horse that are more an issue with regards health.

i think it shows a lot of what is currently wrong with the world that they will all be burnt or sent to landfill instead of being used to feed those less fortunate or used to save a bit of money i.e. prison food.

but with regards horse, yes if it was nice or if not great the price reflected the flavour then yes i would definatly try it, i dont see it being available in supermarkets for a long long time.
For years some friends and family have called me a snob for shopping at decent butchers and buying decent food, years they bang on about how cheap it is here and there and how many of this they got for buttons, well here it is the result of the country wanting cheap food, Romanian horse burgers filled with phenylbutazone, tasty.
I love it how the british media over react at times like this.

Soldiers are still dying overseas, there are tradgedies all over the country, corruption in goverment/banks.


If it was on an Asda shelf on a 3 for £10, I'd probably buy it!
I would welcome the availability of horse meat, would like to try cooking some steaks in a roasting hot skillet, perhaps a stew and def a curry.

Bought a load of that Tesco's lasagne crap but didn't like it so I gave it to the neighbors.
I love it how the british media over react at times like this.

Soldiers are still dying overseas, there are tradgedies all over the country, corruption in goverment/banks.


If it was on an Asda shelf on a 3 for £10, I'd probably buy it!

You're saying it as if people are saying nothing else matters.

This is a current issue, which is why it's currently in headlines. The other stuff, to put it bluntly is nothing new.
I think its totally wrong and is a big deal with what has happened as it was advertised as beef but ive got absolutely no problem with horse meat.

We as a nation just dont like change but horse it perfectly fine to eat imo
I can't see why everyone so disgusted by it tbh.

If it was on the meat counter, I'd probably at least try it.
Even more so if it's a cheaper meat.
A lot of people are just *****. They won't even eat meat on bones, let alone cheap cuts or offal, and certainly not other meats,

This however is very disgusting, not due to it being horse. But because of the labeling. This is a massive issue and should be treated as such. There is every need for this to be discussed at the highest level and there is need for criminal prosecution and massive fines and prison sentences. Assuming they can get enough evidence.
nothing new its just the scandal of the moment.

best thing is if you think about it the horse is probably one of the best meats to actually eat :D
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