I don't know about anyone else, but the seemingly daily revelations about yet more 'tainted' foods having been on sale in our nation's supermarkets are having one main effect on me - hunger.
I'm dying to try a horsemeat burger again, having last had one in France as a much younger man and it strikes me that now would be a fantastic time for someone to introduce horsemeat as a readily available source of protein - I'm sure it can't just be me who feels curious, even compelled, to try out some as part of my regular diet.
After all, you've had loads of marketing for free, so why not take advantage and ride on the back of the increased awareness?! And plenty of people have probably already eaten and enjoyed it, even if they weren't aware of it at the time, so you could run with a slogan of 'the meat you didn't know you already loved' or something equally crass.
Of course this is hardly likely to happen at all, let alone be taken up by one of the large supermarket brands, but increased availability of horsemeat in some form would be a nice thing to have happen as a result of all this furore, wouldn't it?
Or at the very least a lasting reassurance that eating horsemeat is acceptable, perfectly safe and indeed rather tasty.
I'm dying to try a horsemeat burger again, having last had one in France as a much younger man and it strikes me that now would be a fantastic time for someone to introduce horsemeat as a readily available source of protein - I'm sure it can't just be me who feels curious, even compelled, to try out some as part of my regular diet.
After all, you've had loads of marketing for free, so why not take advantage and ride on the back of the increased awareness?! And plenty of people have probably already eaten and enjoyed it, even if they weren't aware of it at the time, so you could run with a slogan of 'the meat you didn't know you already loved' or something equally crass.
Of course this is hardly likely to happen at all, let alone be taken up by one of the large supermarket brands, but increased availability of horsemeat in some form would be a nice thing to have happen as a result of all this furore, wouldn't it?
Or at the very least a lasting reassurance that eating horsemeat is acceptable, perfectly safe and indeed rather tasty.