Is there a hard drive that doesn't make any seek noise?

11 May 2004
I have a Samsung Spinpoint SATA2, although I can't hear it spinning the seek noise is doing my nut in!

Or do I have to wait for solid state hard drives.. :rolleyes:
its not really possible for something to move and not make absolutly any noise, so if you want zero noise then yep you will be waiting for solid state
It's a laptop drive. They're quieter (seek and idle) I can't hear my WD 2.5" at all, but the 3.5" are audible a few feet away.

You also have several options to go down.

1) Fit HD silencer to primary boot drive.
2) Replace boot drive with 2.5". Expensive per GB, and slow performance
3) Do 1 or 2 then then the extra 3.5" drives in a NAS.

I'm going to use the 2.5" HD in the HTPC as boot, then get D-link DNS-323 fit 320+250 into that, music and movies stored on the NAS. HTPC and gaming rig can then access both.

I don't think you can use NAS to play games off it though, LAN doesn't have enough bandwidth? But for music, docs, videos, drivers, software and other backup data it's a good idea.
What's a 2.5 HD like for games, will I just have longer load times, because I can cope with that.

I don't want lagging, stuttering and general grinding in game however..
2.5" HD performance is quite poor, I don't think could cope with that. I remember most of the slow down on my laptop was from the HD. There's really not much you can do, like I said if you have loads of drives could locate them elseware with a server/NAS (if read/write performance isn't required) and only have a single HD in your machine.


The Samsungs 3.5" are supposed to be pretty quiet, so if you find them loud I think the only solution is to buy a HD silencer. Be aware that it's a trade off between cooling and noise, the best HD silencers for noise reduction have the poorest cooling.

Here's the speed test from my 2.5" laptop drive, 5400rpm. It's over USB 2 so it's probably slower than directly into PATA controllers.
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