is there a tool/easy method to remove nails from plywood floor

Drill round them with a holesaw cutting bit, then you can pull up the plywood and get at them properly. Either pull them out, cut them off or bang them down out the way.


Hard removing them, need a good long crowbar to pull them out, as said earlier , I use same method, it's easier, then cut them off with hacksaw, small grinder & hammer flush if needed.

Be careful, might have pipes, cables notched in close to top of joist.

Cheers guys, I'm not looking forward to this at all, middle age has cruelly depleted my mojo and resilience for hard manual labour
I purchased a 14 in gorilla bar today in anticipation, I must say I`m impressed, so much so I might purchase a bigger one. Pulled loads of nails out tonight after work.

Nail frequency :-(

Vanquished nails!

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