Is this a misleading antenatal/pregnancy related HR policy?

16 Nov 2002
The Moon
So my wife and I recently found out she is expecting. Her first scan is due soon and whilst looking through our company handbook i noticed there was a policy regarding time off for accompanying pregnant people for antenatal appointments.

I've taken a screenshot from the relevant section below. Based on the wording here would you expect to just be able to take some time off from your day to attend the appointment with your partner, providing you give enough notice etc?

I only ask, as I believe recently the MD has stated that employees should use annual leave for the appointments like this and that is what the policy means.

To me, the policy doesn't read like that at all, and doesn't really make sense to have the policy if you are just expected to book time off with annual leave. Why would you need to provide a signed statement with date and time of appointment and the extra details if it was just something you had to book it off for annual leave (we don't have to give any details for booking AL, you can book it as and when you please with no reasons needed).

Another colleague who is currently in the same situation was told to make his time back that he took off for his recent appointments.

Am I being unreasonable or am I right to be annoyed by this?
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If it was a situation that you were expected to use your annual leave for, what would be the point of having clause 3? There would also be no reason to submit the sworn statement.

Paid time off doesn't automatically mean "Annual leave", to me at least.
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If it was a situation that you were expected to use your annual leave for, what would be the point of having clause 3? There would also be no reason to submit the sworn statement.

Paid time off doesn't automatically mean "Annual leave", to me at least.
IIRC doesn't Maternity leave count as "Paid time off", which would certainly not be "annual leave".
This has either been written by someone with a legal background or Chat GPT. I think most companies with a modern "people management" team in place will give you paid time off (I.E. appointment time like you would for your own personal medical needs) outside of your annual leave. This reads along those lines to me.
Guys your misreading it

It means that his employer is reserving the right to demand their employees do not attend maternity wards unless the company is aware that the are doing so. ;)

But in regards OP, if there is no HR team who wrote that document.
Maybe its a cut a paste job from some other companies or a supplied template for HR terms or something and whoever reviewed it was thinking about the intention of that part when they "signed it off"

On balance making time up is not exactly a terrible one, its not hard to do that at the same time as not doing that if you get my meaning.
Correct the ledger later with a sick day ;)
Yeah the policy definitely doesn't fit with needing to use annual leave to cover an appointment.

Also I would be asking data protection questions about why they need all the information from you about a medical appointment, your relationship with a third party, and medical advice they have received just to approve some annual leave.

I imagine there will be a clause in your contract requiring you to follow all company policies and handbooks etc, so it is quite unfair that they are apparently not following them too.

I would be annoyed too.
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Then you are SOL because it's just a policy document not a law. Is there someone more grown up than your MD who you can ask, and it won't affect your career?

But if its referred to in his contract of employment then its a contractual "benefit"
They can of course change it or clarify it later if they feel its ambiguous.

I had the same many years ago, company issued a studying policy. I followed policy and unfortunately failed an exam.
Six months later I requested the same and was told, "its only for one sitting, and anyway your only sitting one exam", I said where does it say that the policy doesn't apply. I am in my contract a provision for exam support.
It didn't, we agreed that a maximum of 3 "sessions" was reasonable per stage and the policy was amended so that was clear for the future for myself (and everyone else who was taking exams)

Although if the MD is judge, jury and executioner in this regard then I somewhat agree.
I would at least be putting it to them that its very vague and if people are misinterpreting it then they should clarify it.
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It's simple.
Give notice of the appointment in line with the policy.

Go to said appointment...

Take annual leave as normal when you want... and see if anyone questions it.
If they want to make you take a day off then it’s no business of theirs if you are the baby’s father or not.

If they require you to provide sworn proof of the relationship and requirement of the appointment then this is entirely separate from annual leave.
Aye, but if she's having her first scan then Pat/Mat leave shouldn't really come into it, surely?
Sorry that's sort of what I was trying to say.

Annual leave is paid time off, but not all paid time off is annual leave and maternity just struck me as the most obvious other example that would fall under the term.

IIRC my nephews place when he asked to take his partner to scans was apparently "Yeah just let us know a few days in advance".
Dunno about misleading.

Annual leave can be accurately described as paid time off.

The extra details aren't misleading but are questionable as to why they need them or even if they should have them at all.
But if its referred to in his contract of employment then its a contractual "benefit"
They can of course change it or clarify it later if they feel its ambiguous.

I had the same many years ago, company issued a studying policy. I followed policy and unfortunately failed an exam.
Six months later I requested the same and was told, "its only for one sitting, and anyway your only sitting one exam", I said where does it say that the policy doesn't apply. I am in my contract a provision for exam support.
It didn't, we agreed that a maximum of 3 "sessions" was reasonable per stage and the policy was amended so that was clear for the future for myself (and everyone else who was taking exams)

Although if the MD is judge, jury and executioner in this regard then I somewhat agree.
I would at least be putting it to them that its very vague and if people are misinterpreting it then they should clarify it.
All fair - I think I meant, and your use case kind of embodies it, that it is open to interpretation and quick quashing by the MD. He could just say that paid leave is your holiday allowance. It doesn't specify it is a separate bucket of leave.
If you're a small enough business to not have an HR dept, then it's probably a bought in or AI generated policy of some sort that probably doesn't really quite align with what the management actually want.

Edit - just found a word for word copy of that policy (but bulleted not numbered) online.
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