Is this for real?

On the positive side there are average cameras on the M25 (and slip road on M11) for roadworks. But I doubt that counts.

The average speed cameras (SPECS cameras) on the M25 (around the area between the M11 and that tunnel that used to have all the roadworks) seem to have stayed up even though the roadworks are now gone.

The email was undoubtedly written as a hoax, but those cameras really are there and there are plans to roll out SPECS across the entire motorway network in the next few years.

It'll be the standard 3 points and £60 fine thing, unless they ever get around to bringing in the new graduated penalty system that gets brought up from time to time.

iaind said:
Lol, good point, never really thought of that. Bit like "MAC code" etc

MAC stands for Media Access Control, so MAC code is valid (or rather it would be if the correct term wasn't "MAC address").
This is why I love being a Northerner :D

The A616 Stocksbridge Bypass Trans-Pennine Route is a key feeder road to the M1. Opened in 1988, this rural road had
a significant casualty history that the Highways Agency (HA) decided to address with a number of road safety measures. These included an 11km SPECS monitored Speed Control Zone along the length of the Stocksbridge Bypass.
SPECS cameras have been in operation on the A616 since December 2003. SPECS utilises digital video cameras which continuously capture images of vehicles as they pass through the cameras’ views. The number plates are read (ANPR) and the average speed of the vehicle is calculated between the two cameras. If this exceeds the Police threshold a violation file is created.

What they don't mention is that the cameras are monitoring the only bits where it's safe to overtake, the uphill sections where you have two lanes going uphill, thus forcing people to overtake slower and thus making them more likely to have a head on collission when the overtaking lane switches direction at the crest of the hill. At about the same time as they went in, these lanes had barriers erected at the top so at least you wouldn't hit another car when doing this, but of course it's not those that reduced the number of KSIs, of course it's the bloody cameras.

Most of the KSIs were nob-head bikers who the cameras can't get anyway (note, I'm not saying that all bikers are nob-heads, but this road is a popular "run" for the born again biker to go out and exercise their lack of talent on their newly purchased 1000cc Japanese sport bike.)
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Lol if anyone believes that then you're not fit to drive because logical thought escapes you :p

You could drive 100mph for 2 minutes then 50mph on the outside lane for an equivalent time to break even your exit average no?

You could drive 100mph for 2 minutes then 50mph on the outside lane for an equivalent time to break even your exit average no?

Much like you can theoretically drive at 200mph through SPECs and then stop for 10mins before the last camera and nothing would happen.
Edit: ^^^ Only works in a SPECS zone that consists of just 2 cameras, if there's 3 or more cameras and you drive at 200mph between cameras 1 and 2 then they'll have you.

Lol if anyone believes that then you're not fit to drive because logical thought escapes you :p

You could drive 100mph for 2 minutes then 50mph on the outside lane for an equivalent time to break even your exit average no?


Yes, this is a common thing for people to do if they find themselves in a SPECS zone without realising. It's also a way that some folk achieve a safe overtake (on a single carriageway) even though it really annoys the person behind when someone overtakes and then slows down.
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